Monday, September 27, 2010

Teen Acne Skin Care Tips To Get Rid of Breakouts

For many teenagers experiencing pimple breakouts, I will not be surprised if the only thought uppermost in their mind is

getting rid of this skin problem as quickly as possible. But getting rid of teenage acne goes beyond a quick fix. It is a

process like all important issues of life. And that is what this article is all about.

Many reasons have been adduced for teenage acne, ranging from poor eating habits, adolescence, physical activity, stress and

so on. However the purpose of this article is to explain to us the "Teen acne skin care tips to get rid of breakouts "when

and if it occurs.

And these are the simple skin care tips that will rid you of teen acne, if followed religiously when it occurs. Which I know

will occur, if it has not already, as part of the process of growing up.

-To start with, you must not touch, squeeze, pick or rub your acne skin. if you do you will simply aggravate the pimples and

this can lead to more acne breakouts and severe acne scarring.

-you must as a principle improve your dietary intake by taking more nutritious foods. Take more antioxidant rich foods like

leafy vegetables and fruits. This will help in the prevention of teen acne.

-You must be consistent in washing your face at least 3 times a day with warm water. This will help in preventing your skin

pores from been clogged, thereby worsening your acne condition.
When washing your face, avoid soaps with chemicals and other harmful substances that may worsen your acne condition. Use mild

cleansers, avoid scrubbing and pad your face dry.

- To prevent cosmetic acne, you must try and stay away from Oil-based cosmetics.
It has been confirmed that this are the major culprits in worsening your acne condition and you should try and avoid it. It

is better to use water-based cosmetics, which does not clog skin pores.

-As a young male adult you must be gentle on your skin when shaving, so as not to scrap your acne lesions thereby causing

teenage acne scars. You must as a necessity find out which razor type is good for your skin.

-As one of the "skin care tips to get rid of breakouts, "Medical practitioners have also recommended, that you must reduce

your sugar intake by taking less sodas and fruit juices. As a precondition for a healthier and acne free skin, take at least

10 glasses of water or more daily.

In concluding you must realize that getting rid of teenage acne takes a process, if you follow the "teen acne skin care tips

to get rid of breakouts above diligently, within a short time you will have a clear skin to show for it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

By Johnny_Wolf]Johnny Wolf

Most of the stuff you have read about fat loss and how to get that flat stomach, or six pack you always wanted, is either wrong or simply impossible to implement. Lots of it is just empty words used to fill magazines, or to help sell some product. That's not what I'm going to offer you. There is no pitch to some weight loss product at the end of this article. What I'm going to talk about works, period.

The first thing you have to understand is that... guess what? Cardio is mostly a waste of time. When you do cardio (especially if you do lots of it), your body will try to compensate by being less active the rest of the day, and being hungrier. This will make it harder for you to stick to a diet. Cardio also harms muscle growth, and muscles are your number 1 friend for fat loss. That's because they burn calories even when you are not using them. So let's start by dropping cardio from our flat tummy plan. Well actually, the first thing you have to understand is that to get rid of fat around your stomach, you have to get rid of fat overall, but you probably already knew that, didn't you? Either way, you know it now.

You still need to have a calorie deficit to burn fat. How do you do that without cardio? Well, for starters... you have to eat less. The big problem here is this: people tell you to eat every couple of hours, which in addition to being a huge pain in the ass, makes you eat very small, unsatisfying meals. They say skipping meals is a horrible sin that will make you fat... it's not. It's what you should do. It's called intermittent fasting and it works. What you do is pick a window of time during the day, from 4 to 8 hours long, during which you can eat. You only eat within this window, the rest of the day you stay in fasting. You can drink water (no sugary drinks though), but you can't actually eat stuff. Your body will adjust to this, and won't make you hungry all the time. It will learn that you eat at a specific time, and only bring the sensation of hunger at around that time. You'll need to limit your daily calories to between 1,000 and 1,500, but that is a lot easier to do when you can put all those calories in one or two big, satisfying meals.

Because at the end of the day, what really makes or breaks a fat loss regimen is not if it would technically work or not, it's if you stick to it or not.

Doesn't matter if you want to []get shredded or have more []modest fat loss goals, using a combination of calorie restriction, strength training and intermittent fasting will get the job done.

Article Source: [

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Permanent Weightloss - This Rule Works!

By Richard Huntley

Nowadays people are so confused about what to eat and which exercises to do as there are so many different options out there.

Lots of which state different things from the other so the problem is who is right?

Well in the end I think it's what works for you is right and it is wrong for people to waste energy speaking negativity about another diet or fitness routine.

I have always tried to stay focused on what I do because I know that it works and that is the main thing. It's all about results!

So let's get on the topic of diet and what to eat. When lots of people here the word "diet" they cringe as they know what some people have put themselves through with starvation and struggle to get the results they desire. Long lasting weight loss is a very slim chance using that poor method.

I am a big one for a healthy balance in life but you still have to be disciplined and I think that is where most people slip up.

So here is a quick tip for you to go by with rather than complicating things in what to eat for healthy weight loss.

Let me just mention that when I say weight loss it's all about burning fat.

An Easy 1 Ingredient Rule

This has to be one of the easiest ways of eating healthy with the 1 ingredient rule. So let me quickly explain for you.

Let's say I have a bought a loaf of white bread from my local shop. Ask yourself this, how many ingredient does it take to make this bread I have bought? 6 ingredients? Maybe 8?

Now try this one. I walk into my local shop and buy some fresh Broccoli. How many ingredient has been processed to make this broccoli? Yep you guessed it 1!

Do you see what I mean now about the one ingredient rule? So next time you go shopping remember what I said about the 1 ingredient rule and see for yourself the difference in the way of eating for a healthier lifestyle.

The important thing is to know what's going into your food that you are eating, and by just being aware of this you will for sure surprise yourself.

Reading my simple eating rule above and all the diets and fitness books is not enough for you achieving what goal you want.

The most important factor which I see most people fail in is you need to take action! Otherwise it is useless information without action.

For More Easy Methods Visit []I Want To Lose Weight Now

Article Source: [

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Am I Overweight and What Can I Do About It?

By Martin P Kerrigan

Weight loss can be achieved by increasing your physical activity level, together with eating a nutritious diet. Crash diets, fad diets and yo-yo dieting do not help you lose weight. Dieting can also cause stress and increase the likelihood of binge eating.

The key to weight loss is a simple equation: Use more energy than you consume.

There are ways of manipulating the foods you eat and the manner and times at which you eat it which will assist you to lose weight in a rapid and sustainable manner. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising. If that was the case then ascetic Tibetan gurus would be fat as whales. If you eat the wrong kinds of food at the wrong times of day, in the wrong amounts, then you will get fat and find it difficult to lose these extra pounds. There is a pattern to eating which suits each body and provides the correct type of calories at the right time. Once you become more in sync with how your body likes to be fed, you will find that the weight falls away swiftly and without you being hungry.

The sensible answer to losing excess body fat is to make small healthy changes to your eating and exercise habits. These changes should be things that you can maintain as part of your lifestyle - that way you will lose weight and keep it off. A hint to remember is that to lose weight sustainably and effectively, you will need to eat more than three meals per day. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But the truth is that by eating four of five small meals a day, incorporating nuts, fruit, vegetables, meat and grain, you will never feel hungry AND your stomach will decrease in size so that you feel fuller, faster.

It is ironic that many people, when they decide to pursue weightloss, think that the best way to lose weight quickly is to start to skip meals. WRONG! This has two bad effects.

First: Your body notices that it is not being fed at the times it is used to. Hormonal levels change to adapt to these irregular feeding times and protect the body's stores of energy, by laying down more fat! Not what you want to teach your body to do.

Second: By skipping meals, when you do get around to eating, you find that you are starving and eat and eat and eat until you cannot move. Your stomach grows LARGER to accommodate the huge amounts of food being pushed into it once a day. Which makes you more hungry during the hours you are not eating. Once again, not the response you are looking for from your body.

Another thing that happens, is that when you lose weight rapidly and irregularly like described above, you lose muscle as well as fat and your metabolic rate adjusts itself to handle the periods of starvation by using less energy. Muscle uses far more energy than fat. When you do put weight back on, there is less muscle to fat than before, so your metabolic rate remains set on low. Weight loss becomes even difficult.

Even worse is the fact that using a "deny" diet such as above almost inevitably ends up in a weight loss/weight gain/weight loss/weight gain cycle. Where the yo-yo effect gets worse with each cycle. Self esteem plummets and weight rises.

What overweight people need to realize is that the best way to lose weight quickly, painlessly and without feeling hungry all the time, is to eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. To do this, it is necessary for you to identify the times when you eat that you really do not need to eat.

For example:
. Night eating while watching late night movies
. Social eating while out with friends.
. Habitual eating, where you just eat because you are bored while watching television or reading a book.
. Eating food while drinking alcohol.
. Emotional eating, where you eat to soothe emotional problems. Oddly enough, these emotional problems often have links back to the problems caused by being overweight.

The next step is to have a plan when it comes to eating. You can lose body fat by making a few easy changes to your eating habits. It will help you lose body fat if you:

* Avoid yo-yo diets.
* Eat a wide variety of food from all food groups. Check that you eat from the following food groups every day - bread and cereals, vegetables, fruit, milk and dairy, and meat, fish or legumes.
* Have six small, frequent meals and snacks rather than three large meals a day.
* Reduce your intake of foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt. Make soft drinks, lollies and snack foods an occasional 'extra'. Most adults should eat no more than one or two 'treats' a day. If you are very overweight or inactive, you may need to limit treats to less than one a day.
* Try to balance an 'extra' food with extra exercise. The more energy you burn, the more treats you can afford to have. Remember, you should only add extra foods after you have covered your nutrient needs with choices from the healthier food groups.
* Cut down on saturated dietary fats and alcohol.
* Try to eat more fresh foods and less processed foods.
* Avoid using food for comfort, such as when you are upset, angry or stressed. Explore other healthy ways to cope with these feelings.
* Try to stop eating once you have had enough. If you continue to eat, particularly foods high in saturated fat, the extra kilojoules will be stored as fat.

If you really and truly want to change your body shape with weightloss, you may wish to consider purchasing one of the many diets or programs available. I have tried many diets in my quest to be thin but the one that worked for me is linked in my bio box.

Martin P Kerrigan used to be overweight. A lot. He tried numerous diets and eating plans and watched his weight rise and fall like a yo-yo. Finally, he discovered the diet which worked for him, stripped him of his obesity and kept it off. Everything about his life has now improved. Self confidence, agility, a girlfriend!
To get more information about the diet which worked for him, go to: []Lose Weight Forever Here!

Article Source: [

Monday, August 16, 2010

5 Amazing Diet Tips for Powerful Weightloss

By James Allen

Before you try starving yourself or turning to diet drugs in order
to lose weight, take some time to research and discover more natural
and safer methods of reaching your weightloss goals. Here are five
food and excercise tips that you can get started with today.

1. Try to have breakfast within one hour of waking. It's always best
to have breakfast within an hour of waking so that your body can
charge itself with the energy it needs for the day. The idea is not
to wait for yourself to get really hungry. Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day but that does not mean that it should be
the most filling meal of the day.

2. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often
sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit,
you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and
fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.

If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit
juice instead of those that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or
even better, try making your own fruit juice taking care not to
sweeten it with too many calories.

3. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at
fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour,
but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern,
the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling
which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required
the next time you eat.

4. Tuck in your tummy whenever you walk. Get that proper gait. And
the best way for that is to tuck in your tummy and inflate your
chest. Do not let your tummy hang above your belt line like some
unruly layer of flesh. Bring it under the belt.

Each time you tuck in your tummy, you will feel the pressure on the
muscles of your stomach. This tightening and loosening of these
muscles is even better than stomach crunches.

5. This excercise routine is our favorite - punching your pillow. It
may sound like one of those weird ideas but believe me it works. Not
too many of us have punching bags at home and if you have really
fluffy pillow giving it a good punching routine is just as good as
anything else.

This is also a nice way of letting off steam, so go for it. After all,
something is better than nothing. But I would suggest that you do not
hit it too violently or else the stuffing might come out. Do not
bother too much about the force with which you hit the pillow. It is
number of hits that are important. Try to get at least fifty punches
in one bout.

I would like to give you a little tip over here. If there is
somebody that you particularly dislike like your boss or your
neighbor, or may be your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, try fixing a
picture of the person's head on the top of your pillow and then try
punching it. I promise you, it will give you a lot of satisfaction!

James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press.
He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier,
wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by
visiting: []

Article Source: [

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Permanent Weight Loss - The Secret the Diet Companies Don't Want You to Know

By Bob Langford

The weight loss/diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Judging by the myriads of commercials and ads we're constantly inundated with, it appears that all they want to do is help us lose weight. In reality, they have no interest in helping you lose weight - they're in it to make money on you. Lots of money.

You see, they know that the odds of someone losing weight with their products and keeping it off are astronomical. But they'll never tell you that. Think about it - when was the last time you saw a weight loss commercial that showed their spokesperson 10 years after they started the diet? Or even 5 years.

It's no different from those "become a millionaire in real estate" commercials you see late at night. The fine print is always the same as with weight loss products: "Results are not typical".

Don't get me wrong - you can actually lose weight with diet products/plans, but that's not what the main issue is. The issue is, how do you keep it off? Because there is a secret to keeping it off that most people aren't aware of. This is the secret that the weight loss giants will suppress at any cost, because should it become common knowledge, they would all go out of business.

I want you to pay really close attention to what you are about to read, because it will change the way you diet forever.

First, let's kill off a myth: You do not get fat because you don't exercise. It's simply not true. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals every day. And that is a lot easier to do that than it sounds. In fact, if you ignore this little fact, you'll end up storing most of the calories you eat as fat tissue - no matter how much you exercise and starve yourself in between.

Another shocking fact: Using a low calorie diet is pointless. Did you get that? I'll say it again - it is pointless. Period.

Why? Because your own metabolism's response to ANY drop in calories is to READJUST ITSELF to burn fewer calories each day.

Example: Let's say you drop your intake from 4000 to 2,500 calories per day. Your metabolism will promptly adjust itself so that your body now starts to burn only 2,500 calories per day.

This is why your diets always fail in the long run. It's the same reason why your friends can eat 3000 calories a day and not gain any weight, while you gain weight by eating 800 calories a day. But it doesn't have to be that way.

The system behind this knowledge has been nick named "Fat loss for idiots", because this 10-step system to permanent weight loss is so basic and simple that literally anyone can do it. It is the end of dieting and the beginning of something you didn't think was possible: Permanent weight loss. []Click here to learn those 10 steps to permanent weight loss.

Article Source: [

Monday, July 26, 2010

Best Fat Burners to Ensure Rapid Weight Loss

By Mark Brunson

Are you looking for the best fat burners?

Though fat burners, as the name suggests, can help burn excess body fat and help you get a slim and trim body, most of them are notorious for their side effects. I am sure you are already aware that ephedra has been banned by the FDA since it can create cardiac complications.

There are a lot of pills that contain ephedra like chemicals. You must be wary of such products and avoid them at all cost.

Best fat burners are 100% natural.

Weight loss products have undergone a sea of change. You do not have to rely upon drugs to lose weight anymore. There are some natural and highly effective slimming pills that can burn excess body fat and suppress your appetite so that you can lose weight naturally and quickly.z

One of the best fat burners is made with capsicum extract. It works by generating heat and increasing your body temperature. This gives a boost to your metabolism so that your body is better able to burn fat at a much faster pace.

I am sure you are thinking if your body can tolerate capsicum. Since capsicum extract can lead to irritation in the mouth, throat or intestines, such a fat pill comes with an outer layer which makes it extremely gentle on your system. As a result, there is no irritation in the stomach or mouth.

Besides this, another great weight loss aid is maqui berry.

Maqui berry is an even more potent antioxidant as compared to acai berry. It contains a large amount of polyphenols that help flush out toxins from your system. Detoxification of your system gives a boost to your metabolism so that your body is better able to burn fat.

It is a great natural fat burner and does not have any kinds of side effects. It is a great way to lose weight and improve your overall health.

Maqui Berry is also rich in resveratrol, In fact, it contains more resveratrol than red wine. Not only this, it also helps your body get rid of free radicals and is an excellent anti aging resource.

There are a couple maqui supplements but the best ones have a potency of at least 1500mg per serving. Not only this, good quality supplements are also accredited with a Certificate of Analysis.

So, If You Want to Get a Slim Body This Summer, Check out the rel=nofollow []Best Maqui Supplement Ever!


Get a Flat Belly with the []Natural Fat Burner that Uses the Power of Cayenne or Red Peppers to Boost Your Metabolism and is making Waves All Over the World!

Article Source: [

Thursday, July 22, 2010

7 Weight Loss Super Foods That Will Boost Your Fat Loss Naturally!

By Matti I Korhonen

Green Tea has been called "the absolute miracle" and "the best weight loss food." Green tea has antioxidants called catechins that help to speed up your metabolism. It also helps lower bad LDL cholesterol.

Pears and Apples are great snacks. Both contain pectin fiber, which decreases blood sugar levels. This helps portion control at meal time. I also recommend to get organic pears and apples since they contain high amounts of pesticides if compared to many other fruits.

Apple Cider and Balsamic Vinegar help to detoxify your liver, which plays an important role in weight loss. Vinegar can also help control blood sugar increases that may occur after eating.

Grapefruit's phytochemicals reduce insulin levels, which may force your body to convert calories into energy rather than flab. Several studies have shown that grapefruit helps you lose weight and is recommended in your weight loss diet.

Cinnamon is a lesser known food that helps weight loss. Research from the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that a little cinnamon can help control post-meal insulin spikes, which make you feel hungry. Also, one USDA study showed that just a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Drink filtered water in the morning right after waking up and during the day instead of tap water (to keep your metabolism going). This way you will increase your body's natural fat burning processes and flush out toxins in your body. Remember to use filtered water instead of tap water or bottled water because those contain chemicals and impurities which slow down your metabolism, in particular your thyroid, which makes your weight loss harder.

Hot red peppers contain capsaicin, which helps suppress appetite. Also, hot spices will help you to increase your metabolism.

BONUS - 5 Some of The Worst Foods For Weight Loss:

1. doughnuts are greasy and made out of white flower. They have basically no nutritional value.

2. Bagels are made out of white flower and they have lot of calories. When you read the nutritional facts you'll be surprised.

3. Chips, this is obvious. Everyone knows that chips are bad for you.

4. French fries are deep fried and they belong into the same category with the chips.

5. Sausages are full of animal fat which is hard for your body to process.

Who Else Wants To Lose Weight Fast And Permanently Without Dieting?

You Now Have FREE access to this Step-By-Step []Fat Loss Plan, $197 Value, Life Changing Product!

This is your []Weight Loss Solution.

Article Source: [

Friday, July 16, 2010

Enough Sleep and Rest Helps Your Body Burn Fat

By Mark MJ Jones

To be able to reap the benefits from intense exercise, I recommend, that you must see to it that you get plenty of rest. I can't stress this enough. In fact, recovering by resting is just as important, if not more important that the actual workout itself.

During the intense physical exercise that many people perform, your muscles are subject to tiny tears. The body's reply is to adjust and mend, growing stronger and larger muscles, which of course leads to improved fat burning and a leaner body.

But this muscle-growth and improvement process won't take place if the body is not allowed the time period to do its job.

Too frequently, people haste back into the gym, as many have been inundated with the "more is better" axiom when it comes to exercising. But if we don't take enough rest and let it do its magic, the body can't help us and we will see poor results. We will not burn that fat like we want to, and we will just end up demotivated or maybe give up our efforts altogether.

If you don't get enough rest or sleep, you'll have a very hard time building the fat-burning muscles that will transform your body. have a difficult time burning fat off too! That's why we can't train too long or too often when using a sufficient intensity level.

If we give the body a strong stimulus, such as good weight training, you can't keep hammering it into the ground.

Should you do this, you'd quickly over stress your muscles and weaken your body's ability to improve from your workout. You could become so worn down in fact, that you might even get unwell this happened to me a couple of times in the past when I wasn't paying attention to getting sufficient rest and sleep.

And this repair and recover process doesn't take place in one day, it usually takes 2 days or longer, So be very certain to take between 1-3 days of rest between your properly conducted workout, or you will be endangering your chance of success to burn fat and build lean, tough, muscle.

Now that we know how fundamental rest is to burning fat and building muscle, we also better understand the key element of rest...otherwise identified as sleep.

Sleep is the final recuperation tool, and not only for healing from exercise. It's a recuperation tool from any strain you take in throughout the day.

Whether it's from family pressures, work related matters,or otherwise, enlarged strain can be eased by enough sleep. And don't think you can loose fat maximally when you're over-stressed by different matters in your day to day life. A towering stress level can close up the strength of your power to burn fat, and more.

So be certain to get sufficient sleep. What's perfect? I would propose no less than seven or more than nine hours. Actually, seven and half hours per night probably is the perfect amount!

Research proves that humans sleep in cycles of 90 minutes or so. It has been suggested that if we wake up too far after or before one of these 90 minute iterations, you will in all probability feel foggy for a good portion of the day. So try out the 5 to 90 minutes sleep cycles, or 7 and a half hours... you'll most likely wake up feeling rested and energized.

Learn more about how to []Get Thin and stay that way.

Article Source: [

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Burn Fat Not Muscle to Lose Weight!

By Ken V Smith

Yes! People talk a lot about weight loss. What they are actually trying to convey is fatloss.No one wants to lose muscle (and no one should). If you look at the mechanism of human body, is very intricate.

We need calories to survive and give fuel to our bodies.
Good nutrients should be supplied to our bodies.
We should take care not to consume extra calories (the reason for weight gain).
We should also take care that we take out the toxins from our bodies.

So? How does one go about it? Burn the fat not muscle to lose weight.

It's really simple. Take care of the followings:

Eat breakfast. It has been proved by scientific study that eating breakfast is extremely important. If you skip breakfast, you will feel hungrier and binge later, which is plain bad for your health and also for your fat loss program.
Don't go hungry for long hours. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water (at times, we mistake our being thirsty to being hungry). If you still feel hungry, please eat something. Don't starve your self. By eating something, I mean choose a light and nutritious snack, don't go into direction of potato chips pr chocolate cookies. Opt for an apple instead.
The point mentioned above is important, because if you go hungry for a longer time, your body will target the existing sources of energies already stored in your body. That is fat and muscles both. While you will burn fat you will also burn muscle, which we do not want.
To burn fat not muscle to lose weight, you should eat such foods which is high in fiber and low on fat. Such food takes longer time to digest and will trick your body in feeling full for a long time. So you feel less hungry.
Do some exercise. Exercise is of vital importance and can not be ignored, if you want to burn fat not muscle to lose weight.

Do you want to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs of pure fat per week for at least eight weeks? Without any risk and without starving!

Use the techniques mentioned in the article and collect your free report from here:

Article Source: [

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weight Loss With Fat Binders

By Aleshia Green

Weight management is sometimes difficult, but maintaining a healthy weight will ensure a better quality of life. When weight levels are managed, we are physically and mentally healthier. Our bodies function better without the burden of extra weight and we feel better about ourselves when our weight is under control. However, losing weight can be difficult, depriving ourselves of the foods we love is not enjoyable. Using a fat binder product like Proactol can make weight loss easier.

What is a Fat Binder?
Fat binders can help you lose weight by helping your body absorb fewer calories. Products like Proactol prevent your stomach from digesting the fat that you have eaten, resulting in fewer overall calories consumed. The stomach digests food, so the food can easily enter the bloodstream and become energy for the body. When you consume more energy, or calories, than your body can use, it is stored as fat. Fat binders attach to fats in the stomach, changing their physical make-up preventing the body from being able to digest fat cells. By preventing the absorption of calories by the body, you can prevent extra energy being stored as fat.

How Do Fat Binders Work?
After you have eaten, food enters the upper portion of the stomach where fat binders attach themselves to lipids or fat from foods you have eaten. The fat binder binds to the fats in the stomach by creating a chemical reaction. This reaction creates a gel around the fat cell which increases the size of the fat cells. The now larger fat cell cannot be digested by the body, and instead passes safely through the body and is eliminated. By safely removing a portion of the fat you consume, you will absorb less calories, while providing your body with the nutrients and energy your body needs.

How is Proactol Different?
Proactol helps you lose weight in two ways, therefore Proactol is different than other fat binders. Proactol features soluble and insoluble fibers. The insoluble fibers bind with consumed fat cells making them too large to digest. At the same time, Proactol's soluble fibers begins to bind with bile, or stomach acids. When the soluble fiber binds with the bile it becomes very thick and sticky. This highly viscous material takes more time for the stomach to digest. By remaining in the stomach longer, it allows the body to feel fuller longer, and prevents feelings of hunger. The sticky material slows down digestion and the body's ability to absorb calories.

Proactol is a natural product from the dehydrated leaves of the cactus "Opuntia ficus-indica," that when taken after meals, can reduce up to 27% of the amount of fat absorbed by the small intestine. By reducing the amount of calories absorbed by the body, you can aid weight loss and prevent weight gain. A Proactol has no side effects and is safe and natural, with clinically proven results for treating obesity without a prescription. Proactol has met all guidelines and standards established by the FDA. A licenced medical product (MDD 93/42/EEC), Proactol has been recommended by fitness experts, nutritionists, and doctors for weight loss. Using Proactol will keep you from feeling hungry, prevent food cravings, promote weight loss, and help you maintain a healthy weight.

The author, Aleshia Green, writes about health and dieting. She recommends visiting this site for more information on losing weight with fat binders:

Article Source: [

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

8 Capital Mistakes I Made Desperately Trying to Lose Weight That Lead Me on the Verge of Frustration

By Caty Shereau

It was difficult for me to stick to one diet for more than a few weeks because I would always fall back into my old habits. I decided to make a list of mistakes that were the common denominators in my weight loss failures. If you find yourself making these same mistakes, you will be happy to know that you can finally break the bad habits and lose that excess weight.

1. Skipping breakfast. This is a mistake because it is a proven fact that people who don't eat breakfast usually make unhealthy choices throughout the course of their day. Start your day with a healthy breakfast that will keep you motivated to follow your eating plan for the rest of your day.

2. Binging every other day. It is crucial that you consistently eat a balanced diet. Instead of trying to starve yourself one day, and eating too many calories the next day, set a goal amount of calories that you can easily meet.

3. Buying only diet food. Just because a label says "diet" or "low calorie", that doesn't give you a pass to overeat it. Instead of eating low calorie food just so you can have more of it, try buying regular food and practicing portion control.

4. Thinking you can never lose weight. If you don't believe you can lose weight, you will never reach your weight loss goals. Don't think about where you are right now; think about where you will be once you've lost the weight.

5. Eating only salads for main meals. Instead of trying to trick body by eating salads for lunch and dinner, have balanced, tasty meals that will keep you from snacking in order to feel full.

6. Starting new diets on Mondays. This gets you into the habit of binging over the weekend, and it makes it more difficult to buckle down and stick to your diet throughout the week.

7. Being too embarrassed to work out in the gym. Don't feel self-conscious to join a gym. Although you may feel that everyone is criticizing you because of your weight, the truth is, most of the people there are truly trying to focus on their own weight loss goals.

8. Setting your goals too high. Set a long-term goal, but also set smaller goals to help you reach your main goal. This will keep you from feeling discouraged.

Now I'm healthy and I view weight loss in an entirely new light. My website is a great resource for more tips and advice are you reach your weight loss goals.

Drop the confusion and watch this []Free Video Presentation to find out the only 3 Easy Principles you need to know for obtaining the body []weight you desire.

Article Source: [

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lose Weight By Getting Rid Of Your Negative Thoughts

by: Suzanne E Morrison

To in today’s world is one of the toughest feats one can accomplish.
With fast food restaurants on the rise and easy microwaveable dishes for quick meals, it is no wonder that so many people are overweight and are unable to lose weight. How do you plan for weight loss when chips and soft drinks for snacks and a burger on the run is how many people eat on a daily basis. However, the biggest issue to deal with when you are trying to lose weight are the negative thoughts that accompanies being overweight.

Negative thoughts tend to override the positive in many people’s lives and they come out in full force on those who are facing the task of trying to lose weight. The most important thing one can do before trying to lose weight is to begin a daily journal. By keeping a daily journal for two weeks, you will be able to understand when and why these negative thoughts come out and how they may hinder your attempt to lose weight. By focusing first on the habits you have, you will begin to understand how you can plan for weight loss before you actually begin to lose weight.

When you start your journal, you’ll want to include what you are eating, what time it is, and how you feel at that particular moment. Are you having any negative thoughts? If so, write down what they are and move on. Were you actually hungry when you ate? Write this down, as well. Don’t worry about your weight loss program, just record your entries. An entry should be made for every snack, meal, or binging session you have and any thoughts about trying to lose weight. This will help you to develop your weight loss program.

After the two weeks of entering your eating times and thoughts into your daily journal, sit down and analyze the results. How many times did you have a snack (not meals) when you were having negative thoughts? How many times did you eat when you weren’t hungry but were having negative thoughts? Most often, you’ll discover you do not follow a weight loss program because of negative thoughts. These negative thoughts are what will stop you from trying to lose weight and they must be changed to more positive thoughts if your weight loss program is to be a success.

Now that you’ve discovered how you are feeling when you eat and when negative thoughts are entering your mind, it is time to plan for weight loss. If you want to lose weight you need to get rid of the negative thoughts such as, “I’ll never lose weight” and “I’m so fat.” Instead, replace them with, “I’m getting slimmer and slimmer every day”, and “I look more and more beautiful and fit every day”. Be positive that you will lose weight and if a negative thought enters your mind, get rid of it by replacing it with a more positive statement about yourself.

By getting rid of negative thoughts, you’ll able to follow your weight loss program. This will help you to lose weight and regain a healthier lifestyle. By forming a plan to lose weight, you’ll be able to discover patterns in your behavior such as negative thoughts, that influence your eating habits. To lose weight is difficult; however, if you can begin by changing negative thoughts to more positive ones, you’ll begin to lose weight at once.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Some Ways For Losing Fat

By Mato Mont

Losing fat and getting into a slim and trim body is one of the coolest buzzwords among today's fashion conscious generation. The range of treatments available to people who wish to cure their defective figures and get into shape comes in the form of fat loss supplements. There is a range of fat loss supplements available to individuals who prefer to stay clear from sweating out in the gyms on a regular basis. These are effective products as far as losing fat is concerned. Gaining weight and suffering from regular anxiety and tension which are common with overweight syndrome make your work and life really strenuous.

An obese person can also develop major health related problems. There are various fat related health issues that may lead to cardiac problems. Obesity results in reducing the body immunity and making the body frail against diseases. Losing fat steadily is the only way out. Several reasons are responsible for causing obesity. These may be summarized as- unhealthy lifestyle and diet coupled with stress and so on. In order to maintain a healthy body losing the excess fat is of utmost importance. It also helps the person in getting in shape.

Losing fat with the help of fat loss supplements is one of the best treatments available as far as obesity or over weight is concerned. There are several weight loss programs readily available to users. Some of these are very helpful in efficiently reducing those extra flab accumulated over a period of time. However, there is no exception to herbal medicines which fight and reduce fat from the body effectively. We all know that getting in shape is not as easy a task as it sounds. It requires strong will power and determination to follow the particular regime strictly on a regular basis. A brief look at them might help making the picture clearer.

Alkaloids especially ephedrine alkaloids in whatever form extracted from sida cordifolia are the basis for the most popular and successful formulas of all time that help in losing fat from the body. Ephedrine loaded supplements result in breaking of the fat cells of the body which readily reduce fat content in the body leading to loss of weight. rel=nofollow []fat loss supplements also work wonders for aging people who have lost their energy to attend to slimming and health related problems on a regular basis. There are a number of efficient and effective health products available to an individual who wants to shed off his/her extra weight in no time. However, once you decide to buy a health supplement which claims its efficiency in losing fat be sure to check on its authenticity before finalizing a prospective deal.

Article Source: [

Some Ways For Losing Fat

By Mato Mont

Losing fat and getting into a slim and trim body is one of the coolest buzzwords among today's fashion conscious generation. The range of treatments available to people who wish to cure their defective figures and get into shape comes in the form of fat loss supplements. There is a range of fat loss supplements available to individuals who prefer to stay clear from sweating out in the gyms on a regular basis. These are effective products as far as losing fat is concerned. Gaining weight and suffering from regular anxiety and tension which are common with overweight syndrome make your work and life really strenuous.

An obese person can also develop major health related problems. There are various fat related health issues that may lead to cardiac problems. Obesity results in reducing the body immunity and making the body frail against diseases. Losing fat steadily is the only way out. Several reasons are responsible for causing obesity. These may be summarized as- unhealthy lifestyle and diet coupled with stress and so on. In order to maintain a healthy body losing the excess fat is of utmost importance. It also helps the person in getting in shape.

Losing fat with the help of fat loss supplements is one of the best treatments available as far as obesity or over weight is concerned. There are several weight loss programs readily available to users. Some of these are very helpful in efficiently reducing those extra flab accumulated over a period of time. However, there is no exception to herbal medicines which fight and reduce fat from the body effectively. We all know that getting in shape is not as easy a task as it sounds. It requires strong will power and determination to follow the particular regime strictly on a regular basis. A brief look at them might help making the picture clearer.

Alkaloids especially ephedrine alkaloids in whatever form extracted from sida cordifolia are the basis for the most popular and successful formulas of all time that help in losing fat from the body. Ephedrine loaded supplements result in breaking of the fat cells of the body which readily reduce fat content in the body leading to loss of weight. rel=nofollow []fat loss supplements also work wonders for aging people who have lost their energy to attend to slimming and health related problems on a regular basis. There are a number of efficient and effective health products available to an individual who wants to shed off his/her extra weight in no time. However, once you decide to buy a health supplement which claims its efficiency in losing fat be sure to check on its authenticity before finalizing a prospective deal.

Article Source: [

Fat Loss Dissected (Part I) - Oxygen is Your Best Friend in Fat Loss

By Linor Galang

Oxygen, our friend in our quest to weight management.

You may wonder why oxygen? First of all its our source of life and its free. Now, lets break it down into pieces. Each living organism in this world is compose of cells, our body is composed of cells. Our skin, heart, mind, internal organs and everything has a tiny cell in it. A cell's health will determine your health, a weak person is expected to have a weak cell, a strong and healthy persons basically has strong, alive and active cells. Each of our cells has its function (other functions as a whole), and one of their function is to eliminate excess amount of fat in our body.

Our body produces fats (good and bad ones), it produces fats to bind excess acids, produces fat to protect the walls of our veins, produces fat give us energy and a lot more. Now, having excess fat does not mean that your body produces excess amounts, it means that fat accumulates. Our body's function is not to store but to eliminate excess. If our cells are weak then we expect little amount of elimination or in other words, you build up more than you eliminate.

How does Oxygen fit to the picture? Well, lets me ask you this, what does our cells feed on or what do they consume? ATP, it provides the energy a cell need to perform a cell's activity. To produce ATP, a process needs to occur which involves Oxygen. Depleted amounts of oxygen means depleted amounts of ATP. Depleted ATP mean less energy for cells to their function. That's how important oxygen is not if you look at it a bit deeper. How you can improve your Oxygen intake? Here are some exercises I do every morning:

1. Deep diaphragmatic breathing - you inhale using your diaphragm and exhale through your nostrils. I do this 10-15 times.

2. Stretching - to make my muscle loose and relaxed. When your muscle has low tension, you intake more oxygen because your chest and back muscles are not contracted, giving your lungs a full expansion.

3. Walking and jogging in place - a simple exercise that makes our body inhale more. Notice that during exercising you feel more alive, that's because you take in oxygen more than you exhale.

Hope this adds more info in your quest. More to come.

You deserve to be healthy and fit, you deserve the body you always wanted. You were not born in this world to be a quitter so do not act like one. Separate yourself from the majority and you will find a whole new meaning in your life.

To know more, you can visit:

Hold my hand and lets begin our wonderful journey to health and fitness.

Article Source: [

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dukan Diet Plan Versus The Diet Solution Program - Which is For You?

By John Davenport

The Dukan Diet plan has been a highly successful plan in France for several years now and has recently begun getting more and more attention in other countries as well. I thought it would be interesting to compare it to another popular weight loss plan, the Diet Solution Program to see which one of these is better for you.

Personal nature of the program

The Dukan Diet has one general method by which it works. This method is applied by everyone who uses the program regardless of their age, gender, and so on. The Diet Solution Program takes a different approach. At the beginning of the program you take a short quiz that determines your metabolic type. Then, a personalized eating plan is recommended to you which is made for your metabolic type. This, according to the program, gives you a much better chance to lose weight than with a general program.

Protein focus

The Dukan Diet is a high protein program. The focus of the diet is on eating lots of protein. In fact, during the first two phases of the diet (which can last for weeks), you need to have many all protein days, one every other day at the very least.

The Diet Solution Program does not have this kind of focus on a single nutrient. The eating plan seems to be more varied and balanced.


Both of these plans have positive testimonials from the many people who've used them. The Dukan Diet has reportedly been used by over 1.5 million people so it's the more common program.


As the Dukan Diet is a book (unless you sign up for one of their centers) it's unclear whether it's possible to get any support for this diet. The Diet Solution Program is an online diet plan so it has an online support system for any question you may have.

Ease of Use

If you can handle the all protein days, the Dukan Diet can work for you. If not, then you shouldn't use it. The Diet Solution Program may be a good alternative for you. As both of these programs have good reviews, you need to choose the one that is best suited for you.

For more on how to lose weight fast visit []Diet Solution Program

For another option visit []Dukan Diet Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: [

Lose 30 Pounds in 5 Weeks - The Most Effective Way to Diet & Lose Weight

By Mike Gate

If you are struggling to lose weight, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will show the exact same way which worked for me and helped me to lose 30 lbs of weight in 5 weeks.

Losing weight is not difficult if you are determinant and know what diet food to eat and when to eat. Here are three simple tips which helped me to lose my weight. I have given these tips to my friends and it worked for them too.

Three Important Tips to Lose 30 Pounds

Tip # 1

Firstly, you must understand the benefits of eating healthy and nutritious food. You must eat a food of varieties. You should balance in eating. Eat a food which provides proteins, fibers, fats, vitamins & minerals. You just need to know which combination of foods provide above nutrients in balanced manner. You can eat vegetables & fruits as much as you want.

Tip # 2

You should avoid fad diets to lose 30 pounds in 5 weeks. Fad diets completely halt your metabolism system. This even reduces the speed of losing weight. If you want to lose weight very quickly, your metabolism system must work at high level.

Tip # 3

It is a good idea to eat frequent diets. If you are really serious to lose 30 pounds in 2 months, eat good diets in few hours intervals. You can eat food 5-6 times a day. This will accelerate your metabolism system and will help you to lose weight.

If you will follow above tips, I am sure you will lose 30 pounds in few weeks.

Want to Melt Away Fat and drop 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots. I lost an amazing 30 lbs. of fat total in 5 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

Click and get started today!

Article Source: [

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fat Loss Diets - Hero Or Zero?

By Isabel De Los Rios

Fat loss diets are all the rage in media broadcasts when a new fad hits the airwaves. It doesn't really matter what the food lists contain or the espoused methodology is: high protein diets, low-carb solutions, no-fat weight loss plans. All that really seems to matter is the happy people holding pants that would now accommodate several people.

These pictures sell, never mind the small print: results not typical. Fad diets, no matter what their gilded promises might be, will never work because they all contain the same basic pitfalls.

Pitfall #1: Paying Attention to the Wrong Foods

Popular fat loss diets don't account for what is eaten. This bold statement may seem at odds with the long list of forbidden foods contained in many popular diets. The real meaning however is not the safe or forbidden foods so much as the food sources.

For example, milk has seen its fair share of media praise for its potential in aiding fat loss. These eye-catching head lines do not reflect the whole story contained in medical studies. Only raw milk from organic sources has the fat burning potential. Milk is not the only food item to fall prey a case of misplaced food virtue.

Fat Loss Diets Pitfall #2: Temporary Changes in Eating Habits

They are diets. This may seem like a painfully obvious statement, but it speaks volumes as to the why of failure. Diets just don't work because a 'diet' is by connotation if not denotation a temporary thing.

Temporary changes cannot be expected to yield permanent results. While the diet is followed success is observed and the goals are met. Then the diet is concluded with much celebration of a long anticipated return to 'normal' life.

Success is almost certain to be short-lived when fat loss diets contrast so sharply with "normal life".

Pitfall #3: Fat Loss Diets that Don't Include Exercise

Many diet plans spend a lot of time and energy emphasizing lists of 'good' foods and 'bad' foods, or foods to avoid. These lists are not bad, and can teach some principles of healthy eating. But any fat loss diet is woefully inadequate if exercise isn't given equal focus.

When exercise is given lip service, the body is not being given all the tools it needs for success. Food fuels the body so it can work. Exercise is the work it needs to do. Working out will build strong muscles, increase endurance, boosts energy levels and give you a general feeling of vitality and well-being.

Why bother filling the gas tank of your car with premium clean fuel if you never use it? The same is true of exercise. It is a necessary component of fat loss diets and a healthy life style afterwards. Adjusting your lifestyle and diet plan to avoid these pitfalls will ensure your diets meet with success for a lifetime.

Are you looking for an HONEST and ALL-NATURAL Diet & Nutrition Program? Visit []The Diet Solution Program to sign up for a free video filled with Tips and Tricks to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss. Stop Dieting...Start Eating...and Start Living!

Article Source: [

Friday, June 11, 2010

Natural Weightloss For Obesity

By Mark D Gorman

Obesity is one of the most rampant diseases in America. In the United States alone, sixty million people suffer from it, and the statistics are increasing periodically. In fact, in women who are between the ages of twenty and seventy four, one third of all women are obese. Studies have shown that this is hugely due to pre-packaged food like microwaveable dinners and a decreasing number of physical activities.

So what exactly is obesity? Well, many people think that being over weight and being obese is the same thing. However, that is not true. Somebody who is over weight simply has a surplus of weight from fats, muscles, bones, and even water that is stored in the body. On the other hand, people who are obese simply have a surplus of fat in the body.

Unfortunately, not many people realize that it is a disease, and even poke fun at people who are suffering from it. This makes more and more obese people want to change their ways, and they often do it drastically. Unfortunately, a lot of bad decisions can lead to new sicknesses, illnesses, and diseases that just discourage obese people to lose more weight. But again, obesity is a disease.

To cure obesity, there are a lot of methods that people employ. However, according to recent studies, the only truly effective way to ward off this disease is natural weight loss. Although this strategy does not have instant results, this is the only one that seemed to last longer. In fact, studies have shown that people who employ natural weight loss strategy manage to be happy with the weight they are in, and maintain their ideal weight for good. On the other hand, when people employ artificial means of losing weight they suddenly shrink, but they gain back the pounds after less than a year, studies have shown.

So if you suffer from obesity, remember that the most effective and the safest way to shed the pounds is through natural weight loss. What does this involve? More exercise to burn off the calories and healthier food that is characterized by low calories and low sugar products. Natural weight loss also encourages people to look at food a different way, which leads to healthier food related decisions, that will ultimately guide the person all through out the rest of his or her life; making him or her keep his or her desired weight.

Checkout and find out how mark will lose his weight in just 90 days.

Article Source: [

Natural Weightloss For Obesity

By Mark D Gorman

Obesity is one of the most rampant diseases in America. In the United States alone, sixty million people suffer from it, and the statistics are increasing periodically. In fact, in women who are between the ages of twenty and seventy four, one third of all women are obese. Studies have shown that this is hugely due to pre-packaged food like microwaveable dinners and a decreasing number of physical activities.

So what exactly is obesity? Well, many people think that being over weight and being obese is the same thing. However, that is not true. Somebody who is over weight simply has a surplus of weight from fats, muscles, bones, and even water that is stored in the body. On the other hand, people who are obese simply have a surplus of fat in the body.

Unfortunately, not many people realize that it is a disease, and even poke fun at people who are suffering from it. This makes more and more obese people want to change their ways, and they often do it drastically. Unfortunately, a lot of bad decisions can lead to new sicknesses, illnesses, and diseases that just discourage obese people to lose more weight. But again, obesity is a disease.

To cure obesity, there are a lot of methods that people employ. However, according to recent studies, the only truly effective way to ward off this disease is natural weight loss. Although this strategy does not have instant results, this is the only one that seemed to last longer. In fact, studies have shown that people who employ natural weight loss strategy manage to be happy with the weight they are in, and maintain their ideal weight for good. On the other hand, when people employ artificial means of losing weight they suddenly shrink, but they gain back the pounds after less than a year, studies have shown.

So if you suffer from obesity, remember that the most effective and the safest way to shed the pounds is through natural weight loss. What does this involve? More exercise to burn off the calories and healthier food that is characterized by low calories and low sugar products. Natural weight loss also encourages people to look at food a different way, which leads to healthier food related decisions, that will ultimately guide the person all through out the rest of his or her life; making him or her keep his or her desired weight.

Checkout and find out how mark will lose his weight in just 90 days.

Article Source: [

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Peanut Butter Fights Fat For Quick Weight Loss

By Debbie Patrickson

Do you remember that rock and roll song--"Peanut, Peanut butter?" You would hear it and hum the lyric all day. Well did you know that PB is one of the most nutritious food we can eat in addition to being one of America's favorite foods? Would it ever cross your mind that this favorite food could contribute to quick weight loss too?

Peanut butter can become a dieter's favorite food also. First let me tell you why it is considered to be a superfood. It can provide us with the most concentrated source of energy in our diet. Researchers have also found that it has tremendously positive health affects. It has been found to reduce diabetes risk and a group eating a diet high in peanuts and PB was able to decrease their risk of cardiovascular disease by 21% compared to those eating an average American diet. You probably already know that if you have belly fat you are already considered to be at a higher risk of heart disease because of it.

Most people do not think of PB as a diet food, but it can be. Most dieters are taught to avoid foods high in fats and 71% of the calories in peanut butter comes from fats. The other 29% comes from 14% carbs and 15% protein. Now maybe these kinds of facts bore you to death and are not important to you. Well that is where the bad news ends. Let me get on with telling you why PB can become a healthy and very satisfying addition to your weightloss diet and should be included in the foods you select to achieve quick weight loss.

Peanut Butter is a food that provides fuel for your muscles and gives you energy. Most dieters have experienced that dip in blood sugar that left you feeling sluggish and draggy. You did not want to take a walk, swim, ride a bike or do anything that was recommended for exercise and burning calories when you felt so weak.

Here is one of the reasons why people do not think of PB as a diet food; two tablespoons of PB contains 190 calories. Now don't say that this is disgusting, but did you know that eating PB straight from a spoon can prevent spikes in blood sugar. Many people prefer to enjoy eating PB as a snack with celery and carrot sticks. What is more important is that you will notice that it is so satisfying and eliminates that craving for something rich and tasty.

Here is a fact you might want to know about the fats in PB and relieve you of any guilt you might feel. Eighty percent (80%) of the fat is unsaturated fat that we all know as the "good fat." This type of fat has been known to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol levels in the blood and raise the "good" HDL cholesterol. Who wouldn't like to improve their cholesterol profiles while enjoying healthy snacks? Here is another fact you might not have thought of related to PB--it is cholesterol free because cholesterol is found only in animal products and peanut butter comes from peanuts.

Do you remember Elvis Presley's favorite sandwich? It was peanut butter and banana with honey and grilled. Well, I am not recommending that you make yourself an "Elvis Special." But for breakfast, you can create a 400 calorie breakfast sandwich in a healthier version. Split one toasted whole wheat English muffin into two pieces. Spread each half with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Slice a banana and top each half of muffin with half a banana (approx. 1/4 cup). Eat it as an open-faced sandwich. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches have always been one of my family favorites and this diet version is no exception. It is satisfying enough to help you make it to lunch or you can have it as a lunch sandwich.

It is not my plan to turn this into one recipe after another, but I want to show you how you can add peanut butter into your diet and still live within the daily calories allotted to you. Here is a peanut butter smoothie that you can drink for breakfast. This recipe came from the Flat Belly Diet Cookbook. Here is how you create 1 serving for yourself: 1/2 cup fat-free milk, 1/2 cup fat-free plain yogurt, 2 Tablespoons creamy natural unsalted peanut butter, 1/4 very ripe banana, 1 Tablespoon of honey, and 4 ice cubs. Combine these ingredients in a blender, processing until smooth so that you have a super duper Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie for 410 calories of nutrition. Yes, that is a whole meal and sticks to your ribs. Peanut butter sticks--get it? O.K. so I am not paid to be funny!

Here is one more and I will stop. Take 1 whole wheat tortilla (8 inches). Spread 2 Tablespoons of natural unsalted peanut butter on it. Take a 1/2 cup of sliced strawberries and cover the peanut butter with the strawberry slices. Roll into a tube. Slice on a diagonal into pieces and enjoy for a 332 calorie lunch. Add a glass of skim milk for a very nutritious and satisfying lunch of about 435 calories.

Here is another good reason to add peanut butter to your diet. It adds protein and helps you stick to your diet by reducing appetite cravings. In addition, it is possible to could go on and on about all the other nutrients that are in peanut butter and their benefits--Vitamin E, Niacin, Folate, Vitamin B6, Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Magnesium, Phosphorus, Copper, Potassium, Iron, Zinc and Calcium--but I won't. Just be aware that there are a lot of health benefits that comes along with eating peanut butter such as reducing the risk of heart disease. It is a good source of proteins and dietary fiber, contains a vital antioxidant, important to our immune system, protects body cells and tissues and on and on. The fat soluble vitamins A, D, and E is carried by the fat in peanut butter to our cells and help maintain healthy skin.

Now you cannot live on peanut butter alone so you need good diet advice to follow along with it and the best place to go for that information is [] You can also read all the great nutrition diet and health articles on and learn more great diet tips.

Article Source: [

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Learn How to Stay Thin and Healthy With These Important Healthy Weight Loss Tips

By Ricardo D Argence

The majority of us want to change our appearance in a positive manner. The biggest reason deals with losing weight. It's possible to make this happen, but it's important to do it safely.

Always remember that a fast fad diet is not the way to go. This is due to the fact that it doesn't keep the weight off for a long period of time. It's all about making a commitment and providing your body with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. If you don't utilize both the hard work will be for nothing.

One of the best places to start your journey is by putting the body in motion. Whether you head to the local fitness center or figure it out on your own, the body will begin to burn calories the more you move around.

You should consult your physician before doing anything though. Understanding what your body will be able to handle is the best thing for you. After all, if you're extremely overweight then you probably don't want to start with high-energy aerobic actions.

The main reason for exercise is to burn more calories than you consume. The best thing to do is to spend 30 minutes a day on your exercise regimen. It doesn't matter if it's in the morning, noon, or night, just as long as you stick with the same regimen.

Those who are just stepping into the exercise arena should take it one day at a time. The smart answer would be to start out with low-impact exercises and avoid the extreme versions. So in the beginning if you have to walk then just start out walking.

Another low-impact exercise that will work all your muscles is swimming. It's one of the most peaceful and relaxing exercises out there today. You will find that this is a great way to look better and better in your suit.

Once you're able to move on to bigger and better things then yoga would be the perfect choice. Simply by providing the body with slow movements and breathing techniques you can feel loser and tall in stature.

On the diet side
you can start by choosing an alternative to fast food restaurants. This area offers a huge portion of calories, and if you eliminate them you can lose weight safely. Look for healthier foods that will cure your cravings, and pay special attention to the portions you're eating.

The average intake is 2,000 calories. Losing weight means you have to shave some of those down. We recommend 300-500 calories at least until you start burning more throughout the day.

Make sure you also set your meal plans around a bit of variety. When you add in fiber, fruit, and various snacks you can satisfy that hunger feeling. It's like giving yourself a treat as opposed to letting food chains and frozen foods rule your eating habits.

Don't waste your time and money. If you really want to lose weight, we have reviewed several []successful diet plans for quick weight loss. You can also watch my videos about []healthy diet plans to lose weight quickly.

Article Source: [

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fat Loss For the Desperate

By A. Spalding

If you are desperate to lose, there are products on the market that can help you get down to your desired weight. However, the problem with these quick weight loss products are you can lose the weight quickly. But you can put the weight back on just as quickly as you lost it.

The best and easiest way to lose weight, aim to lose a stone or two over a given period of time. For example, over the next 12 months aim to lose about 2 to 3 stone, this would mean losing a average of 2 lb a week.

Start today by making one or two changes to your eating habits.I consider the most important meal of the day is your breakfast. You should cut out sugar as much as possible, if you can't try low calorie sweeteners. Instead of a coffee or tea in the morning swap them for a fruit juice or water. All these little changes can help.

This is not what you want to hear, but exercise plays a big part in losing those vital pounds. Why not swap your armchair for an exercise ball, this will help tone your body by making you keep your balance while watching TV.

I hate to say it, but sticking to a diet can help, the one I favor the is the every other day diet program. It sounds good, because you can still eat your favourite foods every other day. How good is that, mind you, still have to eat in moderation.

This diet sounds good, because by combining your favourite foods with healthy foods should reduce your cravings. With doing a little exercise on a regular basis will burn off the calories in no time.

There are other changes you can make to your daily routine, for example, before breakfast take a short brisk walk, and instead of using a lift or escalators try using the stairs to your office or when you are shopping. Just think about what you do every day and try to think of different ways to get the same task done with more effort. Losing weight is not easy, but every little helps.

For more information about losing weight - please visit []the diet blog

Article Source: [

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cleanse Smart Diet Review - Does it Work?

By Annette H. Crawford

The past years have introduced several ways to shed those excess body fats as well as cleansing and detoxifying your inner body. Although the market is known to sell all types of tablets, capsules and regimen, nothing really compares to the lemonade cleansing diet.

This master cleanse diet had reaped so many successful results as proven by those who tried this type of dieting including Hollywood celebrities. Despite the favorable response from consumers, many are still wondering if Cleanse Smart really works.

Based on Cleanse Smart diet review, it is very effective because of the following:

• It is known to help detoxify the body
This type of cleansing diet helps you detoxify your inner body, giving you a more revitalized physical appearance as well as active mind and body. Clean inner body can only lead to healthier you as well as great endurance on physical activities and healthy mind.
• It helps you shed weight naturally
The process of taking this cleansing diet leaves your body with only lemonade concoction thus restricting you from solid food intake. During this process, fats are burnt and prevented from adding up inside your body.
• It helps cleanse the colon
During detoxification, toxins that have been harming the body are forced to go out giving you the capability to flush out bad elements inside your body, keeping your colon clean and free of deadly toxins.
• It is cheap and easy to do
The lemonade cleansing diet's ingredients can be found in the comforts of your kitchen. Unlike other diet pills that are packed with elaborate working chemicals, the master cleanse diet contains all natural ingredients that can be bought cheaply.
• No chemical additives
Lemon, water, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, these are all natural products that are freshly squeezed and added to your diet to form that all natural cleansing diet.
• It is easy to take
This type of cleansing diet allows you to take it anytime of the day and as much as you can. It also recommends you to add clear water in between takes.

While most diet pills contain prohibited chemicals, additives and more, the Cleanse Smart diet gives you the advantage of safe and all natural ingredients. Always seek your doctor's advice if you are suffering from an illness before taking this diet though. It can leave you too weak for some physical activities but afterward, you can go back to doing what you do regularly.

The []Master Cleanse Diet is a powerful tool in your arsenal for optimum health. Want to learn how to lose weights and detox your body naturally and safely? Visit, []Lemonade Cleansing Diet and get the amazing results in only 10 days.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Extreme Weight Loss Solutions For You

By Lindsay Reynolds

So you have finally decide to do something about your weight. Good for you! Its better late than never. We will tell you about some extreme weight loss solutions here which will help you slim up within a few weeks.

The most important thing about reducing weight is the diet you follow. No matter how hard you workout, if you tend to have those foods with lots of fat, there's no light at the end of the tunnel. So have a proper fat free diet. Have bran flakes with milk and dry fruits for your breakfast. For lunch you can have chicken or fruit with lots of salads. Have fruit juices and totally abstain from any chocolate drinks and sodas. For dinner, you can have a chicken breast or fish with oats and soybeans. You also must drink up at least two liters of water everyday. Make sure you eat in regular intervals throughout the day as it will keep your metabolism rate high.

But, with all diet and no exercise you will end up no where. So you should team up your diet with adequate exercises. Go for jogging everyday, take out your old bike or wear your gear and go hiking. Its both adventurous and effective. Join a local health club or even ask your fitness instructor to teach you Yoga. Proper practice of yoga is very helpful to lose that weight!

For further queries, always consult a doctor who will take some tests and provide you with exact details. If you follow these extreme weight loss solutions with full dedication, your dream figure is just weeks away!

Get ready to be long and lean! For more information on []Extreme Weight Loss Solutions and other diet strategies to master, check out [] Dieting Guide Reviews lets you gain access to the hottest and trendiest workouts that will surely let you sweat to a slimmer you.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Amazing Diet to Lose Weight

By Jerry Corliss

This is the most amazing diet I have come across, which works. It is your own diet, exactly what you eat now, with a little change in portions and timings.

What exactly does this new diet do? It takes your existing diet, reduces the portions if you are aiming at losing weight and also examines your meal time, making a few corrections here and there and it is done. No giving up on cheese-filled burgers or those chicken sandwiches you love. You can have them all, just being sensitive to the time you eat them.

This diet proposes that you eat smaller portions of what you have been eating, at a higher frequency. It is well known that if you stay without food for longer periods, you hunger level is so high by the time you grab some food, that you tend to eat fast and therefore overeat. This results in bloating, the stomach is under pressure to digest more food at one go, than it is meant to, and consequently one tends to accumulate fat and put on weight.

So begin by having a nutritious breakfast. Any traditional breakfast is high on fiber and therefore filling. You can go for cereals with milk. Eat fruits individually. Do not club them with another meal of cereal or dairy products. Try and restrict your caffeine intake to 2 cups a day, in the form of tea, coffee or other drinks. When your breakfast is done, keep the diet going by eating frequently, at about 2 to 3 hours' intervals. Do not let your hunger level go so high that you will naturally overeat.

Finish your last meal way before bedtime and eat more when you are more active in the day. This will allow your system to digest your food effectively through activity. Your metabolism will settle down towards the evening and a sufficient gap of about 2 hours between dinner and bedtime will induce sound sleep. During the process of sleep, your body will refresh and get ready for the next day's activity and calorie burning. It will absorb all nutrients that you have provided to it all day long.

Try out this diet
. Make sure that you have enough control over yourself to not let go. Eat everything in moderation. Foods like chocolate, pastry, burgers and all other fast food need to be only minimized to about once a week. You do not need to abstain completely as long as you are eating frequently enough to not be ravenous and overeat. Couple this diet with about half and hour of exercise 3 to 4 times a week and see your pounds melt away.

Get your []Healthy Diet Plan Today!

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Diet Programs - The Basics

By John Mac

Atkins Diet Program
The Atkins diet program is based on the principle of switching your body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates to obtain energy. It is a life change rather than a diet program, as in order to keep the pounds off you need to stick to the recommended way of eating.

The main difference to other diet programs is in what you are allowed to eat ie eggs, meat including beef, pork, turkey, chicken, duck, wild game, veal & lamb also fish such as shellfish. Fats are also permitted ie butter, olive oil & mayonnaise, certain cheeses are also permitted.

You must drink lots of water, only de-caffinated coffee & will need to take vitamin supplements including minerals. You must also exercise every day, no need to do a marathon however, a brisk walk will suffice. You are encouraged to eat enough to satisfy your appetite but you must not overeat.

You must not drink alcohol. You must not cheat; it takes 2-3 days for the body to switch from burning carbohydrates (in the form of glucose) to burning fat, so if you cheat you are back to day 1.

You cannot eat the following:

Sugar in any form, corn syrup, honey or maple syrup.

Milk or Yogurt - a limited amount of cream is allowed.

Fruit & fruit juice.

Flour products (bread, pasta, crackers etc)

Grains or cereals.

Beans and legumes.

Starchy or high sugar vegetables such as potatoes, yams, corn, peas, parsnips, beets & carrots.

Sweet condiments such as most ketchups, bbq sauce & balsamic vinegar.

French dressing & thousand island dressing.

Cottage cheese, farmers cheese & other fresh cheeses.

Nuts & seeds.

Diet Program Pro's
Lots of popular foods are permitted & you can have snacks between meals. No need to starve and are encouraged to eat when hungry.

Diet Program Con's
Must stick to diet for good to keep off unwanted pounds. No breaks or cheat days allowed. May not be suitable if you can't go without coffee or alcohol.

South Beach Diet Program
Similar to the Atkins diet program in that it changes the way you eat whilst still allowing plenty of popular foods such as meat, fish & eggs but you can also eat cheese & vegetables.

You can have 3 meals a day & even 2 snacks a day. You can also have dessert & diet soda. You are not allowed any alcohol for an initial 2 week period but after that you are allowed to drink wine. After an initial 2 week start where what you can eat is limited you can start to phase some of your favourite foods back into your diet. Its all about eating "good carbs" instead of "bad carbs".

Diet Program Pro's

Based on a healthy way of eating rather than a diet. Many of your favourite foods are probably still allowed. Some alcohol ie wine is allowed.

Diet Program Con's
You may find the first couple of weeks particularly hard due to what you can eat being limited.

Zone Diet Program
Developed by Barry Sears a biochemist, the Zone Diet is about controlling your insulin level through a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins & fat, also known as the 40-30-30 diet (40% carbohydrates, 30% Proteins 30% fat). Once again it is a way of living rather than just a diet with 3 stages geared to make you lose weight, control hunger & have more energy. It is based on consistent insulin levels with the supplementation of high dose fish oil.

The Zone diet encourages eating regularly throughout the day & eliminates many jink foods such as sweets & chips.

The "Zone" refers to being in a physiological state in which hormones, governed by the food you eat, are in a zone which is neither too high nor too low.

Diet Program Pro's
Balanced diet rather than cutting out foods you may enjoy.

Diet Program Con's
The reasoning behind the diet can be quite technical & therefore many people may disagree about its merits.

Mediterranean Diet Program
Not a diet as such but simply a way of eating for hundreds if not thousands of years followed by people of countries bordering the Mediterranean such as Greece, Southern Italy, parts of North Africa & the Middle East.

It is well known that people from these areas have a lower incidence of heart disease; this is believed to be due to over half of their fat intake being from monounsaturated fat (mainly from olive oil) as opposed to saturated fat, prominent elsewhere. Saturated fat is known to raise cholesterol levels.

The basic diet followed is one that has a low consumption of red meat, low to moderate consumption of sweets, fish, eggs & dairy products except cheese & natural yogurt, a high consumption of fresh fruits & vegetables & a higher consumption of breads, pasta, rice, potatoes & couscous. Water & red wine (in moderation) are taken with meals.

Diet Program Pro's
Not a "fad diet" but a traditional way of eating with known health benefits.

Diet Program Con's
None as such apart from if you are unable to obtain fresh fruit & veg.

Weight Watchers Diet Program
There are 2 main diet programs for you to follow; one a points system where all foods are allocated points according to their calorie, fat & fibre content. You are allowed to use up (or consume) a set number of points per day. The other diet program is a no points system which allows you to eat from a range of wholesome foods without having to count the calories.

The weight watchers diet program
can be followed online as well as offline through regular local meetings where you will get not just tips & guidance but the support & encouragement of fellow weight watchers.

Diet Program Pro's
On the points system you can eat what you like as long as you stick to the number of points. The meetings can help to keep you motivated.

Diet Program Con's
Offline meetings may not be practical for you. The points system may leave you feeling hungry.

John Mac is author & owner of a website aimed at providing help & information for people looking to improve their fitness, diet & health & for information about diet programs

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

All You Need to Know About Eating Right For Your Genotype

By Lena M Butler


If you are constantly struggling with your weight, then you are probably very much aware of the hundreds of diets that you can choose to follow. In fact, you've probably tried a few of these diets. You may have also noticed that a specific diet does not always work for everyone who tries that particular program. People may follow one specific diet, but not everyone will have the same results.

A genotype is a person's genetic makeup. Genotypes constitute a cell, organism or individual. Studies show that there is a connection between genetics and a person's diet and lifestyle. Surprisingly, genotypes can provide a multitude of information. This information can be used to create a diet tailored to the needs of your body.

Eating Right For Your Genotype
You can obtain a massive amount of information just from your genes. Your genotype can give you insight as how your genotype responds to dietary fat, for example. Data like this can help you figure out if you need to follow a high fat diet or a low fat one. You can also see if certain eating behavior traits such as binge eating, overeating or snacking are in your genes.

Your genotype can supply you with valuable information on your nutritional needs. Knowing information such as needing more folic acid, vitamin E or even beta-carotene is extremely important when it comes to your diet.

Your genes can also show if you have any genetic risks for obesity, elevated blood pressure or blood sugar or even elevated triglycerides. Knowing such information can be beneficial to you since you can take necessary preventive measures.

You will have a better chance of success with your diet if you have the right information on your genotype and understand what works best for your body.

The GenoType Diet
Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician, explains in his book "Change Your Genetic Destiny," that individuals can reprogram their gene responses to lose and maintain weight, repair cells, avoid illness and age well. He refers to epigenetics, which is the study of the interaction between the environment and genes. An individual's lifestyle and diet can be tailored to suit one's genotype in order to effectively achieve optimum health.

With his groundbreaking research, D'Adamo creates a customized program that works for an individual's genetic makeup. This program is designed to result in weight loss, maximize one's health and prevent or even reverse disease. D'Adamo claims that with environmental factors such as lifestyle and diet, you can control when and how your genes express themselves. With the right approach, you can turn on good genes and turn off the bad genes.

Factors such as your blood type, family history, fingerprints and even measurements of your jaw angle can map out your genetic makeup. With this information, you are able to discover which of D'Adamo's six genotype profiles are right for you: the Hunter, Gatherer, Teacher, Explorer, Warrior and Nomad. Each profile has a flexible list of foods that enhance that particular genotype and each profile also has a list of foods that should be avoided or limited.

A Study on Genotype and Weight
One can reap benefits not just in terms of weight loss but also in terms of factors related to weight loss, such as a person's blood lipid level. A small study was conducted on 141 overweight women, all of whom were premenopausal. These women followed four different diets.

Studies show that people who followed the proper diet tailored to their genotype lost approximately 5.3% of their body weight. Those who were following a diet that was not designed for their genotype only lost about 2.3%. The study also included low carbohydrates and low fat versions of the four diets. The women who followed the right diet for their genotype saw about 6.8% weight loss, while those who did not follow the diet suited for their genotype only lost approximately 1.4% of their body weight.

This Article is written by Lena Butler, the author of []Test Country Articles a longer version of this article is located atAll You Need to Know About Eating Right For Your Genotype, and resources from other home health and wellness testing articles are used such as []Genetic Testing.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Every Other Day Diet Review - Common Questions and Answers

By John Davenport

The Every Other Day Diet is a popular fat loss plan. Yet, for those who are still not using it, there is more that is unknown than what is known. To help solve that, I thought I'd compile a list of some of the common questions regarding the Every Other Day Diet and my answers to those questions. I hope that this will help shed some light on what this program is and how it really works.

Question: Can you really eat anything you want on this diet every other day?

Answer: You can eat a lot of undietary foods such as pizza, burgers, and so on every other day, yes. However, you can't eat as much as you want. You can't stuff yourself silly. You still have to exercise sound judgment for this plan to work. Eat what you like but in moderation.

Question: Isn't this too good to be true?

Answer: Don't expect to lose weight on the EODD Diet without making an effort. While you can enjoy your favorite foods once every two days, on the rest of the days you need to follow a more strict eating plan which is high in protein and fiber. This helps to create the necessary calorie deficit for weight loss.

Question: How can I know this plan will work for me?

Answer: No one can ever know for sure that a diet plan will work for them. That being said, the Every Other Day Diet has worked for a lot of people before so you can expect good results with it. In any case, you can also ask for your money back within 60 days if you see that it's not for you.

Question: Do I need to workout while on this program?

Answer: Yes, exercising, especially strength training, will help you lose more fat faster. It's as simple as that.

Question: Can I use this diet if I'm a vegetarian?

Answer: You can find a lot of plant protein sources (and if you eat eggs this is easy) so yes, I see no problem in following the Every Other Day Diet for vegetarians.

Question: Is this diet for all ages?

Answer: The EODD Diet is for adults only. Other than that, it should work for all ages as long as you don't have any health issue that requires special food or dietary measures.

Question: How much weight can I lose with this diet plan?

Answer: Jon Benson reports that he lost over 60 pounds using these principles among others so you can lose a lot of weight with the EODD Diet. However, personal weight loss is something that is different for each person.

For more on this weight loss plans visit []Every Other Day Diet Reviews

To see how you can lose weight fast, click here: []Best Online Diet Plans

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Fast WeightLoss Diet Secrets

By Justin R. Brown

We all know about fast weightloss diets and their promise of bringing some instant weightloss. However, before one actually opts for any of them, it is important that you always visit a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. These fast diets are far from the ideal diet and it should be noted that more often than not, they are not balanced and the best way to lose any weight is with a careful well balanced diet.

Before actually opting for those fast diet plans, it is important that you know that weight gain or weight loss is determined by the "calorie equation". If you burn as many calories as you take in each day, there's nothing left over for storage in fat cells and your weight remains constant. However, if your calorie-intake exceeds your calorie-expenditure, the extra calories are stored somewhere on your body and you gain weight.

The word "diet" generally conjures up the image of meals of lettuce and cottage cheese. However, by definition, "diet" refers to what a person eats or drinks during the course of a day. A diet that limits portions to a very small size or that excludes certain foods entirely to promote weight loss may not be effective over the long term. Rather, you are likely to miss certain foods and find it difficult to follow this type of diet for a long time. Instead, it is often helpful to gradually change the types and amounts of food you eat and maintain these changes for the rest of your life. The ideal diet is one that takes into account your likes and dislikes and includes a wide variety of foods with enough calories and nutrients for good health.

A few helpful hints to doing any of the fast weight loss diets which are so popular these days are given below.

Don't carry out a crash diet for more than three to seven days. Most of these diets are not meant to be kept for extended periods of time. They aren't balanced and not meant to be your permanent way of eating. For example, the Atkins diet says that you can keep it for extended periods of time, but the diet changes once you get passed the first two weeks, so if you want to do that extended version of the diet, look it up and get more details on it.

The week that you are going to keep the fast diet, try not to overexert yourself. Since you will be on a diet, exerting yourself too much might just become too stressful for your body's system to handle.

Don't go out to dinner with friends and other social activities. This is probably the worst thing you can do because nothing is worst than eating something tiny when your friends are eating a perfectly normal and delicious meal. So, while it can be done, it's easier to just avoid these scenarios and stop yourself from feeling bad over your diet.

If you get very hungry, drink a glass of cold water, it will help to take away the hunger pangs. You could also try sucking on ice to calm hunger pains.

One last thing, once the fast diet ends, don't think it's party time and eat out the house. Once the diet is over, you want to celebrate, but it wouldn't be right to celebrate it with food!! Start your well balanced diet once you are done with the fast weight loss diet. Do remember, however, that there really is no guarantee that the fast weight loss diet will actually help you shed those pounds! Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet is the key to losing weight and keeping it off!

Discover how you can lose fat permanetly and get a free 12 part minicourse report to skyrocket your fat lose by visitng []

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