Sunday, May 30, 2010

All You Need to Know About Eating Right For Your Genotype

By Lena M Butler


If you are constantly struggling with your weight, then you are probably very much aware of the hundreds of diets that you can choose to follow. In fact, you've probably tried a few of these diets. You may have also noticed that a specific diet does not always work for everyone who tries that particular program. People may follow one specific diet, but not everyone will have the same results.

A genotype is a person's genetic makeup. Genotypes constitute a cell, organism or individual. Studies show that there is a connection between genetics and a person's diet and lifestyle. Surprisingly, genotypes can provide a multitude of information. This information can be used to create a diet tailored to the needs of your body.

Eating Right For Your Genotype
You can obtain a massive amount of information just from your genes. Your genotype can give you insight as how your genotype responds to dietary fat, for example. Data like this can help you figure out if you need to follow a high fat diet or a low fat one. You can also see if certain eating behavior traits such as binge eating, overeating or snacking are in your genes.

Your genotype can supply you with valuable information on your nutritional needs. Knowing information such as needing more folic acid, vitamin E or even beta-carotene is extremely important when it comes to your diet.

Your genes can also show if you have any genetic risks for obesity, elevated blood pressure or blood sugar or even elevated triglycerides. Knowing such information can be beneficial to you since you can take necessary preventive measures.

You will have a better chance of success with your diet if you have the right information on your genotype and understand what works best for your body.

The GenoType Diet
Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician, explains in his book "Change Your Genetic Destiny," that individuals can reprogram their gene responses to lose and maintain weight, repair cells, avoid illness and age well. He refers to epigenetics, which is the study of the interaction between the environment and genes. An individual's lifestyle and diet can be tailored to suit one's genotype in order to effectively achieve optimum health.

With his groundbreaking research, D'Adamo creates a customized program that works for an individual's genetic makeup. This program is designed to result in weight loss, maximize one's health and prevent or even reverse disease. D'Adamo claims that with environmental factors such as lifestyle and diet, you can control when and how your genes express themselves. With the right approach, you can turn on good genes and turn off the bad genes.

Factors such as your blood type, family history, fingerprints and even measurements of your jaw angle can map out your genetic makeup. With this information, you are able to discover which of D'Adamo's six genotype profiles are right for you: the Hunter, Gatherer, Teacher, Explorer, Warrior and Nomad. Each profile has a flexible list of foods that enhance that particular genotype and each profile also has a list of foods that should be avoided or limited.

A Study on Genotype and Weight
One can reap benefits not just in terms of weight loss but also in terms of factors related to weight loss, such as a person's blood lipid level. A small study was conducted on 141 overweight women, all of whom were premenopausal. These women followed four different diets.

Studies show that people who followed the proper diet tailored to their genotype lost approximately 5.3% of their body weight. Those who were following a diet that was not designed for their genotype only lost about 2.3%. The study also included low carbohydrates and low fat versions of the four diets. The women who followed the right diet for their genotype saw about 6.8% weight loss, while those who did not follow the diet suited for their genotype only lost approximately 1.4% of their body weight.

This Article is written by Lena Butler, the author of []Test Country Articles a longer version of this article is located atAll You Need to Know About Eating Right For Your Genotype, and resources from other home health and wellness testing articles are used such as []Genetic Testing.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Every Other Day Diet Review - Common Questions and Answers

By John Davenport

The Every Other Day Diet is a popular fat loss plan. Yet, for those who are still not using it, there is more that is unknown than what is known. To help solve that, I thought I'd compile a list of some of the common questions regarding the Every Other Day Diet and my answers to those questions. I hope that this will help shed some light on what this program is and how it really works.

Question: Can you really eat anything you want on this diet every other day?

Answer: You can eat a lot of undietary foods such as pizza, burgers, and so on every other day, yes. However, you can't eat as much as you want. You can't stuff yourself silly. You still have to exercise sound judgment for this plan to work. Eat what you like but in moderation.

Question: Isn't this too good to be true?

Answer: Don't expect to lose weight on the EODD Diet without making an effort. While you can enjoy your favorite foods once every two days, on the rest of the days you need to follow a more strict eating plan which is high in protein and fiber. This helps to create the necessary calorie deficit for weight loss.

Question: How can I know this plan will work for me?

Answer: No one can ever know for sure that a diet plan will work for them. That being said, the Every Other Day Diet has worked for a lot of people before so you can expect good results with it. In any case, you can also ask for your money back within 60 days if you see that it's not for you.

Question: Do I need to workout while on this program?

Answer: Yes, exercising, especially strength training, will help you lose more fat faster. It's as simple as that.

Question: Can I use this diet if I'm a vegetarian?

Answer: You can find a lot of plant protein sources (and if you eat eggs this is easy) so yes, I see no problem in following the Every Other Day Diet for vegetarians.

Question: Is this diet for all ages?

Answer: The EODD Diet is for adults only. Other than that, it should work for all ages as long as you don't have any health issue that requires special food or dietary measures.

Question: How much weight can I lose with this diet plan?

Answer: Jon Benson reports that he lost over 60 pounds using these principles among others so you can lose a lot of weight with the EODD Diet. However, personal weight loss is something that is different for each person.

For more on this weight loss plans visit []Every Other Day Diet Reviews

To see how you can lose weight fast, click here: []Best Online Diet Plans

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Fast WeightLoss Diet Secrets

By Justin R. Brown

We all know about fast weightloss diets and their promise of bringing some instant weightloss. However, before one actually opts for any of them, it is important that you always visit a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. These fast diets are far from the ideal diet and it should be noted that more often than not, they are not balanced and the best way to lose any weight is with a careful well balanced diet.

Before actually opting for those fast diet plans, it is important that you know that weight gain or weight loss is determined by the "calorie equation". If you burn as many calories as you take in each day, there's nothing left over for storage in fat cells and your weight remains constant. However, if your calorie-intake exceeds your calorie-expenditure, the extra calories are stored somewhere on your body and you gain weight.

The word "diet" generally conjures up the image of meals of lettuce and cottage cheese. However, by definition, "diet" refers to what a person eats or drinks during the course of a day. A diet that limits portions to a very small size or that excludes certain foods entirely to promote weight loss may not be effective over the long term. Rather, you are likely to miss certain foods and find it difficult to follow this type of diet for a long time. Instead, it is often helpful to gradually change the types and amounts of food you eat and maintain these changes for the rest of your life. The ideal diet is one that takes into account your likes and dislikes and includes a wide variety of foods with enough calories and nutrients for good health.

A few helpful hints to doing any of the fast weight loss diets which are so popular these days are given below.

Don't carry out a crash diet for more than three to seven days. Most of these diets are not meant to be kept for extended periods of time. They aren't balanced and not meant to be your permanent way of eating. For example, the Atkins diet says that you can keep it for extended periods of time, but the diet changes once you get passed the first two weeks, so if you want to do that extended version of the diet, look it up and get more details on it.

The week that you are going to keep the fast diet, try not to overexert yourself. Since you will be on a diet, exerting yourself too much might just become too stressful for your body's system to handle.

Don't go out to dinner with friends and other social activities. This is probably the worst thing you can do because nothing is worst than eating something tiny when your friends are eating a perfectly normal and delicious meal. So, while it can be done, it's easier to just avoid these scenarios and stop yourself from feeling bad over your diet.

If you get very hungry, drink a glass of cold water, it will help to take away the hunger pangs. You could also try sucking on ice to calm hunger pains.

One last thing, once the fast diet ends, don't think it's party time and eat out the house. Once the diet is over, you want to celebrate, but it wouldn't be right to celebrate it with food!! Start your well balanced diet once you are done with the fast weight loss diet. Do remember, however, that there really is no guarantee that the fast weight loss diet will actually help you shed those pounds! Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet is the key to losing weight and keeping it off!

Discover how you can lose fat permanetly and get a free 12 part minicourse report to skyrocket your fat lose by visitng []

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Quick Weight Loss - The Fastest Way to Lose Weight Naturally

By Felix Godwin

There are times when you feel that your weight loss program is not effective enough. Many health programs are too focused on quick results that they do not pay attention to overall health in the long run. In order to avoid disappointment later, you must go for a natural fat loss system that can guarantee permanent weight loss.

Once you turn obese, it will take months to get back in shape. Many quick weight loss programs have been designed keeping in mind the desperation of those who want quick results. Always remember that obesity is a result of years of poor eating habits and lifestyle. Nothing will help you regain your shape in a few days or weeks.

However there are some natural weight loss diets that guarantee you some realistic results within a realistic time frame. Acai berry based health supplement have shown some remarkable results in recent times. Though celebrity endorsements and media exposure played a major role behind its popularity, some of its wonderful fat loss capabilities cannot be denied.

Acai berry is full of anti oxidants and many other nutrients which work wonders not only for fatloss but also for many other health issues. It is like an all-in-one health supplement that works wonders for your weight and digestion system. Usually this supplement is combined with a colon cleanser for faster effect.

Though you need not necessarily go for and exercise program with this diet formula, you can try a few abdomen exercises for flattening your stomach. Many abdomen exercise equipments have recently hit the market that focus on your belly fat. The diet plan itself is effective enough to help you lose weight at warp speed but if you go for exercise program as well; you will notice the fastest fat loss effect.

Read more about how []Acai Berry weight loss formula works and why colon cleansing in an essential part of it. Also grab the trial offer of one of the best abdomen exercise equipment that helps you []Flatten your stomach in no time.

Article Source: [

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fat Loss For Busy People - The Warrior Diet

By Charles Malina

In today`s society, most of us lead extraordinarily busy and hectic lives, so the idea of trying to remember what to eat or not eat at exactly what time is a prospect that often turns off people to dieting. I am definitely in the same boat, with classes at odd times during the school year, and a full and part time job on my breaks so I hate having to worry about what my next meal is going to be.

Enter the Warrior diet!

The basic premise of this diet is that you only eat one big meal per day and nothing else, except maybe a piece of fruit in the morning. This is an incredibly flexible diet that almost anyone can fit into their schedule. Most people end up eating their large meal at either lunch or dinner, but you can eat whenever you want to. I love eating like this during especially busy days since I actually feel more energetic during the day without food in my stomach, and then I`m ready for a big meal

Don`t worry about your metabolism slowing down.

I think many people tend to get caught up in the idea of eating multiple meals per day as "healthy". This is a mainstream media and bodybuilding myth perpetuated by supplement companies who want nothing more than you eating protein shakes and popping pills six times a day. Now I`m not saying that eating 6 meals per day is not effective, I just think most people tend to eat too much at these smaller meals, and it requires a lot of discipline and planning to be effective. If anything, your body will go into overdrive to maintain your lean body mass, while living off of your fat stores during the period you aren't eating. You lose more fat, your body works better: a win-win situation!

Elite military units do it: You can too

A good example is the US Army Ranger School. These guys are forced to go days at a time eating little to nothing, then come back and essentially "make up" their calorie deficit. Now I admit this isn't the greatest example since they actually lose muscle mass during their training, but that is because they aren't doing any heavy resistance training (i.e. weights), and they are in an extreme survival scenario eating foods with low protein and vitamin content. You and I don`t have that problem, so don`t worry about it.

Why eating all your calories in one meal is actually healthy

Think about it. Our caveman ancestors almost certainly didn t have access to food 24/7, eating snacks every couple of hours "To keep their metabolism up". I really don`t think it`s healthy to have food constantly in your stomach. If your gut, liver and stomach are constantly working to process food, when are they going to rest? It seems very natural to have one big meal after a period of fasting. Now I wouldn t recommend eating like this every single day, but maybe 3-5 times a week is definitely doable.

A caveat before you try this

Be careful not to overeat while on the Warrior diet. Eating all your calories in one meal can be a lot of fun and you can be a little less strict on the types of foods you eat. However, I would definitely try to fill up on veggies and lean meats as the base of the meal first, and then move on to starches or high carb foods like bread or potatoes. This will help you keep calories in check and insure you get an adequate amount of protein.

Charles Malina is a personal trainer who has helped prepare prospective officers to enter the Navy SEALS and the Marine Corps. He also has helped many people in the civilian world achieve better health and longevity through his unique training style and approach. Charles utilizes advanced training techniques used by elite athletes and military units and combines them with secrets and tips that Hollywood models and actors use to look their best. Learn more at

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fast Weight Loss - Miracle Or Science?

By Urwashi Gupta

If you want to loose weight
then as per my experience, you do not need a miracle. You just need a plan which should be based on a science.

I am using the calorie shifting method from last 5 years for me and my clients to reduce weight and being healthy. So can you.

What is this calorie shifting method?

Before explaining this method I want to give you a brief idea about a calorie.

A calorie is the unit of energy which is equal to the heat given to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water to 1 degree.

your body needs certain amount of calorie to run your body for your day to day activity. If you are a doing a sitting job then you need much lesser calorie than an athlete.

In this method you need not to starve yourself as people usually suggest. In fact you will be taking proper diet as per your liking. The only difference in taking your diet is that you will take different foods in your diet to fulfill your calorie requirements. For your personalized food schedule, you need to take advice of your nutritionist who will make different food plans for different days of an week. You can even opt from one of several online programs by which you can make your food plan by yourself.

The only important factor for your success in this method is that you should follow your plan religiously. Some of my clients have even achieved the loss of 9lbs in just 11 days. So, plan and act now.

Wishing you success,

Urwashi Gupta is a qualified nutritionist, author of various informative articles on weight loss with 10 years of experience in fitness coaching. She recommends to Visit to save time and money before you buy next weight loss product or any magic formula.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Five Steps to Start an Effective Fat Loss and Fitness Program

By Robert H. Cwik

If you belong to people whose favorite pastime is watching television, your only exercise is pressing the buttons on the remote, and your idea of walk is going from the living room to the kitchen to fetch another bottle of beer, your chances for shortening your own life or becoming decrepit too soon are big. Especially if you're over 40. Your next medical examination may be a shock for you, and may make you re-think the way you spend your free time. By the way, do you still like what you see in the mirror? Why not change it starting from today?

At this moment I hear you saying "I know I should do more exercise. I know I should change my diet. I know..." Let me tell you one thing here: no, you don't know! You don't know anything, and that's why you don't do anything, looking for excuses wherever possible.

How much do you need to change your lifestyle? To become fit and slender again? Not that much in fact. And once you start going to the gym, going to the swimming pool, or jogging in the park, you'll be sorry that you missed it for so many years. Especially when you start seeing the results. So, stop looking for excuses and find out what you can do for yourself.

The most difficult thing to do is to form a good habit, and unfortunately, for most people good habits are associated with effort, with doing something against themselves. Why is it so? Just because on the most basic level of our behavior we are looking for instant pleasure or escape from pain. Sitting in front of the TV-set doing nothing is pleasant, whereas getting up and run a mile is a painful effort. Now, we have to reverse the way we see things, and the results will start coming. Easier said than done? Not necessarily.

In one of my articles I have written about realistic goals for fat loss program. The same applies to doing any physical exercise, like jogging, joining a martial arts class, dancing class or weight lifting. The last one is my favorite, so I'll talk about it here.

The first step to do is to JOIN the gym. Yes, just go there and pay for your membership. Why? Because there is hardly a better motivator than a financial loss. Why pay when you don't want to go there? Before you go to your first training, however, buy yourself a notebook which will serve you as your training journal. Really, you must have a training journal.

Step number two: talk to the instructor! Don't even try to do any exercises on your own before you talk to the instructor and tell them about your goal of losing fat, becoming more endurable, stronger and better looking. The instructor will then select the exercises for you, and this will be the first thing to write in your training journal. Then the trainer will show you how to do each exercise, will tell you how many sets and repetitions to do, how long to rest, and all other important things. It may turn out that you'll do the first exercises without any weights at all. You'll also decide on your schedule then. Not everybody can go to the gym more often than twice a week. Even once a week, however, is better than not at all.

Step three: start exercising. Start doing the exercises first without the weights or with minimum weights to get the grip of the movement. If you start with weights, it may be difficult to make the movements correctly, and this can lead to unnecessary injuries. Note in your journal the number of sets and repetitions you did for each exercise, and with what weight. You'll gradually increase the weight with time.

Step four: re-design your diet. Now, many people frown on the sound of the word 'diet'. Again, in many people's minds this word is associated with tasteless food, eating things they don't like, and often starving. Nothing like that! Once you start going to the gym, you'll have to provide your body with nutrients that will help your muscle get firmer and bigger. You will have to eat! And you will eat quality food, dumping low quality and junk food altogether. Again, ask you gym instructor, and they'll be more than happy to help you with it.

Step five: keep a record. You already have your training journal where you note what exercises you do, how many sets and reps of each, and weights lifted. You should also write down your measurements, including first of all your weight and waist measurement. Observing weight may be a little tricky. You will lose fat, but at the same time you will build (or re-build) your muscles, and your weight may not change that much. The waist measurement will be the main indicator of your progress. Weigh yourself and measure your waist every other week and don't get frustrated at first if the change isn't too spectacular.

The above steps are easy to do. At the same time you must remember one important thing: doing exercise, going to the gym is not a race, and you don't go there to prove anything to anybody. The only person you compete with are you yourself, but don't overdo it. Start slowly and don't rush to heavier weights too quickly. Go with your own pace and follow the instructor's advice and soon you'll build not only a new healthy habit, but you'll start building a new you.

Learn the best methods to lose weight
, and what's more important - fat, effectively and for good, and to get the body you've always dreamed of []CLICK HERE

Article Source: [

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why Won't Alcohol and Fat Loss Mix?

By Miriam Kirk

When we have chosen the online fat loss program that is right for us why can't we incorporate a moderate amount of alcohol if we find ourselves at a social event where the wine is flowing? Well, the answer is you can - but it will have a negative effect on our fat loss. We all know that booze is calorific and the calories that come from alcohol offer no nutritional benefits whatsoever.

All calories are processed by the liver but the real problem with the calories from alcohol is that the liver processes them before calories from other foods; impeding fat loss because other calories are then stored and turn to fat. Just 4 small beers will add 600 calories to you daily intake and this alone will take you over your ideal allowance. When we embark on a fat loss program one of the key elements is the burning of stored fat, your metabolic rate causes chemical and physical reactions within the body to turn calories in to energy and the consumption of alcohol significantly slows your metabolism and reduces the effectiveness of any fat loss program.

Alcohol also causes dehydration (that's why we get a hangover!) And our muscles need water to function properly to burn energy so we need to make certain we are well hydrated when following a fat loss program. Our kidneys also need a lot of water to clear toxins from the body and the dehydration effect from alcohol reduces the efficiency of the kidneys leading us to feel sluggish and under par.

As you have taken the time and trouble to undertake a fatloss program it may be best to avoid booze altogether until you have reached your target. If you do fall off the wagon don't beat your self up over it as it is a small step back and you will soon be back on track and enjoying all the benefits of your fat loss!

Miriam Kirk
Has been associated with health and well being for many years and is now utilising her experience and knowledge in the field of personal development. Within this web site Miriam will endeavour to guide you to the ideal fat loss plan to suit you and your lifestyle and enable you to achieve your required fat loss and maintain your perfect proportions in the future year to come.For more information and reviews and to find out what's hot and what's not go to

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Being Smart About Your Fat Loss Goal

By Ty Ferrell

Fitness and nutrition
marketers have made it a difficult task to distinguish fact from crap. Sometimes they take a basic vague concept, such as burn more calories than you consume to lose weight, and twist it or exaggerate it. In this case eating less calories than you burn will cause you to lose weight, but not always fat. Your body will always outsmart you. Sending out signals and causing hormonal changes, will allow your body to change your plans a bit. For example, many people have tried extreme low calorie diets and jogged on a mind-numbing treadmill, only to find the depression and cravings get the best of them and they "binge" away. For those who have been successful at similar diets will find muscle being the main course for substitution of food (while fat steadily accumulates).

Many companies have made tons of bucks of the consumers ignorance. Eat low calories and you will lose weight. However, people want to lose FAT not just weight (which can be anything pertaining to your mass). Also, many companies will speak of increasing metabolism while cutting calories. This is a confusing idea because generally the metabolism is increased with an increase or maintenance of calories above the BMR (basal metabolic rate) level, not a reduction. In fact, most clients I have trained are shocked to learn they are eating too little to lose bodyfat. This brings us to the main topic. Calories are simply energy. You need a certain amount of energy for survival and proper body functions. To lose fat and not muscle you need to burn more calories than you consume BUT you must keep your caloric intake above your BMR (generally speaking, healthy women of average activity are around 1500 k/cal, while men are around 2000 k/cal). The calories usually recommended by diet and fitness companies are usually lower than what I have stated. Why is this so? Simple, extreme sales. If a healthy women needs 1500 k/cal to maintain proper body functions, live healthy and maintain muscle mass than 1200 k/cal must be the solution to losing rapid weight?! Right? This solution is fine for someone not planning to be active at all and who has no interest in maintaining a healthy body composition (such as most of the scrawny hollywood actresses).

Also, there must be a balance of macronutrients to be able to maintain your low fat body composition. From what we know, you need a good amount of protein (about 0.8g per kg of body weight). Carbs are necessary fuel and should be used more around your activity times. So don't eat a bag of chips unless you plan to run a few miles or hit the weights. Also, make sure you take in more complex carbs and vegatables than simple carbs. Finally, fat is GOOD. Fat can help you burn fat. You need healthy fats and they should be 30% of all the calories you take in.

As you can see, there is more to calorie counting than you probably thought. It does not have to be over complicated, but basic principles will keep you on track and make sure you can maintain your fatloss success. Now that I filled your head with the nutritional factors, let's put this all together with the activities that will cause fatloss. To keep it simple, I will outline this in three easy steps. Keep these steps in mind when you decide to do a fitness and nutrition program. If it doesn't follow this basic guide, it probably will not work:

1. Your everyday activities, aerobic activities, and strength and conditioning activities must create a caloric deficit: It doesn't matter which of your activities emphasize the most caloric expenditure. As long as you have a deficit created from these activities you are fine. Many trainers and coaches will recommend using aerobics to create the deficit. That is just fine. Each to their own on this point. Just remember you must keep in balance. You still have to consume enough calories so the deficit from your activities do not cause your calories to fall below your BMR (remember this is the amount of calories it takes to keep your body functioning properly).

2. Your training and nutrition needs to keep your metabolism high for long periods of time: This is a factor many people miss and fall short of losing as much fat as they can. Nutrition-wise the metabolism is kept high by keeping your calories above your BMR and eating proper amounts of macronutrients (0.8g per kg of bodyweight protein and 30% of calories from healthy fats). Training-wise the metabolism is effected by a condition called EPOC (simply means your body burns calories just trying to bring your systems back to normal after working out). For the best effects stand up and train more than you sit or laydown. Use free weights at greater ranges of motion and incorporate more of your body per exercise. Great movements such as overhead lunges and squat-thrust will use up a lot of your body's muscle and energy (calories). Also, aerobics by nature do very little to stimulate muscle activity. You need to have a point where muscle is stimulated to make sure fat oxidation is high. The best choice is interval training. Simply go as fast as possible for a short distance or time period and go slower for a longer distance or time period. Then just continue to rotate the "intervals" of fast and slower for a good time period like eight minutes (if you can go past ten minutes you need to go faster).

3. Technique needs to be upheld over duration: This isn't necessarily a rule for burning the most fat. However, it will keep you from injuring yourself and falling out of training, which will stop you from burning fat. Always keep your technique solid. If you need to squat for twenty repetitions, but find you can only make it to fourteen with good form, then do not go past fourteen until you can with good form. This will keep you from gaining bad habits and injuring joints. If you can't train because of an injury then you can not get to your fatloss goal, period.

Use this guide and distinguish the fact from crap for fatloss information.

Ty Ferrell is a NASM certified personal trainer, licensed nutrition practitioner and a constant student of the vast field of fitness. He is the founder of and can be reached there.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Caralluma Fimbriata - the New Weightloss Supplement

By Rajgopal Venkataraman

Caralluma Fimbriata is a succulent plant that belongs to the family of Asdepiadeceae which includes cactus plants. The plant bears star-shaped, fleshy flowers that are black, purple, red or yellow in color and the leaves tend to be spiny. In rural and tribal India the plant is used daily as a vegetable, eaten either raw or cooked or pickled. Indian tribals chew on pieces of the plant to ward off hunger and thirst and to improve energy levels especially on long hunts or during periods of famine. In fact the Indian Ministry of Health lists Caralluma as a medicinal plant and lists it as a famine food.

Caralluma has a combination of Glycosides that work by inhibiting enzymes (chiefly Citrate Lyase) and thus prevent accumulation of fat. The body uses stored reserves of fat to get calories and the nett result is a reduction in fat stores. In this aspect it acts as an agent that induces thermogenesis. Caralluma also suppresses appetite but its actions at the central nervous system level seems to be minimal in comparison to Hoodia. Caralluma also seems to improve the Serotonin concentration in the brain and this helps cause satiety and wards off depression associated with dieting and weight loss attempts.

Caralluma not only causes weight loss by suppressing appetite and causing stored fats to be burnt off but also is associated with a noticeable reduction in the waist circumference. Carraluma is thus finding use as a weightloss supplement, in diabetes due to its ability to reduce blood sugar levels and also as a vegetable. More and more weightloss supplements are using Caralluma as an active ingredient for its efficacy. Caralluma use has not been associated with any adverse effects or any stimulant activities. The very fact that the plant has been used for centuries and is continued to be used by people across India is testimonial to its safety.

Caralluma has the potential to be the next Hoodia and could even be better because of its limited action at a central level and also its ability to help lose inches. In summary it is safe to mention that Caralluma has made a strong beginning and only time will tell whether it would be the answer to obesity and its related adverse health effects.

For more information on Caralluma, its efficacy, safety and how it compares with Hoodia visit

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Weightloss Twins Share the Biggest Secret of How They Lost 350 Pounds in 8 Months

By Dr. Becky Gillaspy

The Weightloss Twins are actually Bill and Jim Germanakos who won the 4th season of The Biggest Loser by combining to lose 350 pounds in just 8 months. The twins are now back in the public eye nearly two years after their victory to share the secret to their success in their new weight loss program The Rapid Action Metabolism system. This article shares what the Weightloss Twins consider the number one key to losing fast.

Now before you dismiss this by arguing that anyone can lose weight when they spend months on a ranch where every moment is focused on losing weight I want to refresh your memory. Only Bill lasted the entire time on the ranch (he then went on to lose a total of 164 pounds and the title Biggest Loser). Jim was voted off the show in week 5. That meant he had to lose weight on his own back home while working a full-time job.

And how did Jim do losing weight at home?

He lost 132 pounds in 6 months at home!

Okay, I don't know about you but that makes me at least want to know what the Weightloss Twins have to say about losing weight fast.

The brother unlocked the key to rapid weight loss and the key is your metabolism. Your metabolic rate is what determines if the food you eat gets burned up for energy or stored as fat so the more you can do to speed your metabolism the faster you burn fat.

Here are some quick suggestions from the Weightloss Twins new Rapid Action Metabolism System.

1. Eat small meals throughout the day. You have probably heard this before but you might not have thought of it in terms of keeping your metabolism high. The body requires energy to digest food and when you eat small meals you constantly boost your metabolism throughout your day.

2. Don't skip meals or starve. It seems like you would lose weight by eating very little but if you starve yourself your body adapts to this low amount of calories quickly and slows your metabolism - not good!

3. Eat metabolism boosting foods. There are foods that keep your metabolic rate high and the brothers share all of them in their system. Some are lean proteins, whole grains, green tea and caffeine, pepper, spices and many more.

4. Exercise to super charge your metabolism. Exercise comes in many different forms and the twins figured out how to maximize their fat burning from exercise. They show how to do aerobic exercise, resistance exercise and how to use varying intensities during exercise for the best results.

The Weightloss Twins are back and ready to motivate and educate anyone who wants to lose weight fast.

The winners of Season 4 of The Biggest Loser are about to reveal The Truth About Diets.

Combined these two men lost over 350 pounds in only 8 months []photo & video They have taken their experience and education from the show and put together the Rapid Action Metabolism Weight Loss System (The RAM System).

They want to inspire and motivate you to shed those stubborn pounds once and for all! Click The Link To Visit My Site and Learn More and Grab their []FREE Meal Plan!

The author, Dr. Becky Gillaspy, is a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Wellness Coach connecting you with the most effective methods for weight loss and fitness.

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Weightloss Supplements - How Weightloss Patches & Diet Pills Can Control Your Appetite

By Danna Schneider

All of us that have had a love-hate relationship with diets know that it is very easy to succumb to the phenomena known as the "yo-yo diet". What is the yo-yo diet, and how can we prevent ourselves from taking that path which can only end in disappointment, unhealthy weight gains and weightlosses, and damaged self esteem?

Yo-yo dieting, as it has been termed, is the cycle of losing and gaining weight that seems to be so prevalent in the United States. It is this cycle that causes several health issues, and also mental trauma in the people that experience it on a regular basis. The opposite of this, is of course the maintenance of a healthy body weight, without the typical ups and downs associated with the yo yo diet, except maybe a small fluctuation of a couple pounds around the holidays or times of stress and lifestyle changes.

There seems to be a neverending quest for the latest diet gimmick, the newest and greatest way to "cheat" the system, and eat whatever you want without paying the consequences both on the scale and healthwise. While there is no easy fix, there are definitely healthy methods and healthy weightloss pills, patches and systems that can help curb an overzealous appetite, and get the ball rolling in the right direction for healthy, consistent and permanent weightloss and maintenance.

The largest part of the equation seems to be the appetite. This can especially hold true for women, who seems to have more of a natural affinity towards sweets and certain types of unhealthy fats due to hormonal ups and downs. It has actually been scientifically proven that women are genetically "programmed" to hold more body fat than men for the specific reason of child bearing and the extra energy and body fat it requires to care for and feed an infant. While it is certainly true that women are at a slight disadvantage when it comes to cravings for unhealthy and calorie-rich foods, men certainly are not exempt from this characteristic.

Our society has increasingly come to rely on overly processed, nutritionally deficient foods that are too calorie dense, high on the glycemic index (read The Zone or South Beach Diet - they explain this in full!), and high in processed sugars, bad fats, and simple carbohydrates. The best diet products now in my opinion are the ones that actually help control the blood sugar constantly throughout the day, and accomplish this without caffeine and other harmful stimulants, resulting in dramatic decrease for unhealthy food cravings and overall appetite which in turns sheds pounds the healthy way.

Natural diet products like this are actually best utilized in patch form, where a patch is affixed to an area not visible for the entire day and night, which allows the body's blood sugar and appetite to be regulated 24/7. This benefits the dieter in several ways. First, there are no sudden appetite or blood sugar spikes if you forgot to take your diet pill at the right time. Second, it is more convenient for the user than to carry around diet or appetite suppressant pills on their person. Third, it releases a steady amount of appetite controlling nutrients, rather than all at once as with a pill form.

Some people who need help jump starting their diet may still prefer to use diet aids that are in pill form. There are also some excellent choices for that. There are now some great "carb cutting" and "carb control" pills out there that actually will reduce the effect of bad carbohydrates on the body by stabilizing blood sugar and kick the body into fat burning mode by burning up existing carbohydrates rather than storing them as fat like they would be normally when consumed in abundance. I mean, hey - we all have to have our pasta sometimes, right?

The good news is, with ephedra being banned from the consumer marketplace, we now have a lot of very safe and very effective diet and weightloss supplement options that we can take advantage of when we need to shed a few pounds. They can help prevent us from slipping back into the vicious cycle of the yo-yo diet by preventing it before it even has a chance to occur. Think of it as willpower in the form of a patch or pill!

Visit the []CosmeticsGalore Best Weightloss Product Reviews for information on the latest in weightloss and diet supplement technology. Danna Schneider is the founder of []CosmeticsGalore Cosmetic Enhancement Product Reviews and Comparisons.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tip on Losing Weight - 7 "Secret" Rapid Fatloss Tips That You Would Pay To know!

By Paulo Ilustre

There are a lot of tips out there that help you lose weight but only a few of them will actually make you a fat burning machine 24/7. You see, the idea here is to keep burning the fat off even when you leave the gym. Whether you are in the office working, at home watching tv, or sleeping, you can burn fat!

The theory behind it is maximizing your body's metabolism. Having a higher metabolism throughout the day will make your body burn more energy 24/7. When this happens, it becomes easier for you to create that deficit between the calories you burn during the day and the calories that you eat.

When you increase your metabolism while maintaining the number of calories you eat, you create a calorie deficit that is conducive to lose weight!

Here are 7 tips that will help you become a lean fat burning machine! Using a tip on losing weight a day into your daily life will help build that body you want in no time.

1. Commitment

Okay, this is the most underestimated tip in your arsenal. You can have all the programs, all the pills, all the supplements that promise you that flat stomach or 6-pack abs and still you can look like a slob because you tried the program for 3 months, saw some progress, called yourself "boy/girl fatloss" and started binging again in front of your TV. Commitment to the program and to your ideal body is very important. Unless you are truly committed to the goal at hand, you will never get anywhere near that 6 pack or flat stomach.

2. Be ready to make a sacrifice

Simply put, if you're not willing to pay the price: working out, eating the right food, etc. You will not make the cut and say goodbye to your fatloss hopes and dreams.

3. Do HIIT Cardio!

This cardio program is modelled after a sprinter's training program. Have you ever seen a sprinter without a flat stomach or a 6 pack? You can also see that they are significantly more muscular and better looking than their marathon runner counterparts? This is so because HIIT cardio spikes up the body's metabolism into INSANE levels without eating a lot of energy that can reduce your muscle gains. There are a lot of versions of HIIT Cardio but the one I use personally is this.

Sprint - 30 seconds - Rest 30 seconds

Do that for 4 minutes on your first 3 sessions and try to add a minute each session until you reach 12.

Let me warn you: if this is your first time to do this you can last 4 minutes and didn't break a sweat then you're probably doing it wrong. When I say sprint, you go all out until you "shake like a leaf". Up the INTENSITY.

This program alone will turn your body into a fat burning furnace!

4. Make sure to eat and eat well!

You know, fat loss doesn't have to equate to starving. If you starve, the more chances you binge in the long run. Do not deplete yourself of energy!!! But don't eat too much either. Maintain the balance, eat 6 times a day of clean food (no Mcdonalds, etc.)

5. Keep yourself Hydrated

What does water have to do with burning fat? EVERYTHING. Almost every process in the body involves water. When you don't hydrate yourself properly, metabolic processes in your body SLOW DOWN. This is bad news for you if you're trying to burn fat!!!

6. Eat a lot of Greens!

Fiber rich foods not only clean your digestive tract but they also are more dense in the stomach. You satiate more quickly when you include a lot of greens/salads in your diet. When you do this, you reduce your chances of binging on junk food and the like!

7. Treat yourself!

These tips put a lot of strain to your body. Don't forget to treat yourself from time to time. Buy yourself a new shirt, shoes, or ice cream! (just don't do it often) It will be easier for you to be committed to your goal if you reward yourself from time to time. Remember your Psychology101, positive-reinforcement!

So there they are your 7 tips to fitness! Hope you find them useful! []Did you like the tips? More of them in this program here!

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fatloss 4 Idiots VS Losing Weight With the Help of a Fat Binder

By Lilly Tuke

Are you asking yourself why you can not lose weight after following a weight loss program like Fatloss 4 Idiots? Maybe you followed the program religiously for months but without seeing results. If you are also exercising and are not seeing any progress, maybe it is time to try something else.

There are also people that do lose the weight during the first months but they gain it back later. Let us face it, for most people it is difficult to stick to a diet program. Remember, it is not your fault. A lot of people are having the same problem.

First thing you need to do is to check with your doctor if there are any medical issues that is causing the weight to come back. But probably your problem is the same as most people out there trying to lose weight. And most people are not seeking advice from experts. Or maybe they did but did not keep strictly to what was prescribed for them. In these cases fat binders are of great help, but not all fat binders work as promised or expected. You can not just exercise every now and then and expect to lose weight just because you are on a diet. That is not the way it works. You need a good diet plan and exercise plan.

I recommend using only diet plans that are tested. If a particular kind of food works for you keep eating it and combine it with vegetables and fruits. Like with everything else the best thing you can do is to keep doing the things that work for you. From there try using variations of the foods you are eating that contain lower amounts of fat.

Another important thing is to avoid snacking. Don't buy a lot of snacks and don't have snacks at home. Even if it is for someone else, for example for your children because, you need cooperative family members to succeed in losing weight. Sometimes the snacks are just difficult to avoid. But, if you consider your health's worth more than a couple of snacks, it should be enough motivation for you to want to stay alive.

I am not saying that Fatloss 4 Idiots is a bad diet program but some people just need a little more help. And a fat binder is ideal for this. []Click Here! to find out how you can lose weight fast without starving yourself and without exercising for hours.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Fatloss For Idiots - Short and Long Term Goals

By Nadasdi Thomas L

Long Term Goals

Depending on your preference, you could set a hard-and-fast long term goal that is based on actual figures to your weight loss. Or, if you like, you could even keep your long term goal as a more general desire to attain a certain look or build.

Of course, it is worth noting that if you add actual figures to your goal, it will give you something a lot more tangible to work towards, and challenge yourself while you do so.

Just spend a few minutes thinking about what you really want to attain from your weight loss, and then devise it into a goal. Try to make it something that is truly worth achieving, to you, at least, so that if you do end up hitting your target, you'll feel that glow of accomplishment.

Do not set long term goals that can really be achieved with little or no effort.

Also, while you're at it, keep in mind that there is one other type of goal that is going to be intertwined with this long term goal. Let's discuss that now...

Short Term Goals

As the name well implies, short term goals are the variety of goals that can be achieved over a shorter span of time.

So instead of going by year, or half-years, your short term goals would probably be weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. Really, the choice of span is up to you at the end of the day, so choose something that you're comfortable with.

Some people like to constantly have something to measure their performance against, but when it comes to weight loss, weekly results might be slightly unreasonable.

Still, whatever span is chosen, there is one thing in particular about short term goals that really does tie in to the long term goals that we just discussed. And this is nothing other than the fact that your short term goals should be geared towards hitting your long term goal.

Think of it this way: If your long term goal was to lose 15 kg in 6 months, then your short term goals could be to lose 2.5 kg for each month.

That way, each of your short term goals would be working towards the actual achievement of that bigger, and much more appealing, long term goal!

Setting up your short term goals in this structure is very necessary. Not only will it help your achievement of your final goal, but it will also provide you with a valuable progress gauge so that you constantly know how well you're doing as you try to achieve that target.

Remember though, all the other rules of goals and targets that we've discussed so far still apply, so make your short term goals realistic, but not too easy to accomplish either!

Once you've done all of this, you should have a nice set of short term goals, all working towards that final target (the long term goal!). If you have already started to set up your goals and targets, congratulations, you're well on your way.

But if you haven't, then take a minute to at least think about them, because having even the roughest of ideas is going to help you with everything you do.

Before we finish off our discussion of goals and targets, it is important that you know how exactly you can use them to your best advantage. Yes, it isn't enough to just have a list of goals that you occasionally check against.

Ideally, your goals should be helping you a lot more than that!

This is the end of this article on fatloss for idiots []. The value of this article would be met if you feel that you have benefited from reading it. Well, have you?

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Eating More, Eating Better, and Losing Weight With the Fatloss 4 Idiots Diet Plan

By JT Philips

Most of us have heard about a diet program that promises you tremendous results. It is doubtful that it would be considered a modern day diet plan if did suggest rapid weight loss. However, most if not all of these diets fail to live up to their own hype. While there is no shortage of diet plans, there does seem to be a shortage of diet plans that work. Low fat plans, low calorie diets, low carbs and a host of other diet plans have come and gone with little success. That was until the introduction of the fatloss 4 idiots diet program.

Many people would love to see some immediate results when attempting to lose weight. Often times that is the biggest reason why people stop trying to lose weight early on in their weight loss regiment. However, with the fatloss 4 idiots plan you will see some incredible results in a very short period, like 9 pounds in just 11 days. Some may ask how that sort of weight loss is possible without risking your health. While some diets may require fasting, or strenuous exercise to lose that much weight in that amount of time, this programs helps you lose weight by eating. Before you start thinking that you will be able to eat chocolate cake all day and still lose weight, you might want to slow down a little.

The fatloss 4 idiots diet plan requires you to rethink the foods you eat and when you eat them. That is the key to losing so much weight so quickly and not putting your health at risk. This plan allows you to manipulate the fat burning hormones in your body and spark them to life by eating the right types of food. With this program, it is as simple as that. There is no required exercise, no unproven, unsafe medication to take, just eating better and eating more of the foods that will kick-start those fat burning hormones your body has been storing up.

Losing weight is an issue for just about everyone from one time or another. Some people really struggle with weight and with the long list of available diets out there, finding a diet that works can be as difficult and as frustrating as the excess weight itself. The fatloss 4 idiots diet plan was intended to help those people fighting the weight problem and get that monkey off their backs for good. With no exercise required, and no risky medications to take, you can leave the weight loss up to what naturally occurs in your body and the nutritious foods that you feed it.

Find your perfect weight loss program here at

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fatloss For Idiots - Here's Why it Works

By Andy G Cooper

OKAY, the very title of this best-selling diet - Fatloss For Idiots - is a little off-putting.

After all, who wants to be called an idiot just because they want to lose weight?

I know that was my instant reaction when I saw the promo for the first time. It was just like those how-to guides with titles like Aerobics for Airheads, Dance for Dunderheads and that whole series for "Dummies".

However, it's all about marketing to get your attention folks, and once you get over your initial mild outrage you'll find that Fatloss For Idiots is actually a pretty cool weight loss program that really does work. It has thousands of satisfied customers to prove it.

The thing I like about it is that it's not a weird "fad" diet that puts you on a lettuce diet or a heavy meat diet. In fact, Fatloss For Idiots doesn't obsess about low calories, low carbs, low fat and some of the common elements of so many weight reduction plans out there. Here's the best part - it allows you to eat more than 3 meals a day!

What Fatloss For Idiots does is shake up your weekly diet. Now you might be the kind of person who eats the same things on the same days of the week. You know the kind of thing: Sunday lunch is a big roast, Monday is chicken salad, Tuesday is pizza and Friday is always fish, etc.

Instead, this diet uses "calorie shifting" to change that mealtime routine - and it teaches you to eat more of the kinds of foods that are easily burned up by your metabolism. That's important to weight loss because once the body has used the "fuel" you just ate, it starts burning the fat that's stored in your waistline and other parts.

As with all diets, this one works even better if you add some moderate exercise. Now I know that's an immediate put-off for those members of the couch potato generation who want to lose weight while slumped in front of the TV every night. But we're talking moderate exercise here, like walking - not sweating like a racehorse as you jog around the gym or furiously pedal on a stationary bike. (Unless you really want to).

In fact, I've read a lot of endorsements from Fatloss For Idiots customers who said the diet gave them so much energy they actually wanted to work out.

I've put together a short fact sheet on Fatloss For Idiots and other leading weight loss programs at Compare and enjoy!

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Fatloss For Idiots - Choosing the Path That is Best For You!

By Nadasdi Thomas L

Despite the fact that taking action is important, you'll undoubtedly want to have some sort of assurance that you're on the right track. After all, with the abundance of information about weight loss that is out there (and in many cases, actually conflicts with one another), things can get slightly confusing. In terms of your mindset however, it is crucially important that you are confident that you're on the right path.

If you aren't too confident, and you don't see results, you could end up abandoning your efforts altogether, and maybe even end up disheartened or disillusioned. On the other hand, if you are confident in your path, but mistakenly so, you could end up wasting a lot of time. To sum it up: You need to know what works and what doesn't.

While in some cases, weight loss may end up being a case of trial and error, in others, you can avoid even having to go through the trials, and the errors. One great rule of thumb to follow is simply the age-old saying, "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is!" Considering that there are constantly new miracle-weight-loss products that promise incredible results, but with very little (if any!) solid evidence to back them up, it shouldn't be too tough to spot those that are blatantly not 'real'. However, even that doesn't narrow things down nearly enough, which is where the trial and error part does come into play.

Fortunately, you already have a process by which to evaluate your methods (we discussed it in the last section, remember?), so all that you need to now do is a little bit of homework on whatever paths you're considering. That way, you'll at least have a rough idea what you're getting yourself into!

Frankly speaking, what works for one person when it comes to losing weight may not work half as well for someone else. Due to the sheer amount of factors that are involved, it is close to impossible to find a 'one size fits all' regime. So the key to your 'right path' is to simply find the path that suits you best, whatever that may be! Choosing types of exercise or diets (or any other weight loss regimes) that suit you is something that is based on a few main factors:

1. Never pick a regime that you can't fit into your schedule, chances are you won't end up sticking to it for long.
2. Choose a regime that you could possibly enjoy, at least slightly. If you pick something that you actually like, you are that much more likely to stick with it.
3. Don't try to take on too much, too soon. For example, if you haven't exercised much, trying to run 10 miles a day would be close to impossible.

Follow these three guidelines, and you should be able to come up with something that is fitting. To further what we've been discussing about 'structure' and 'paths', there's one more key component to the right mindset that will help you accomplish both. Think you can guess what it is?

This is the end of this article on fatloss for idiots []. The value of this article would be met if you feel that you have benefited from reading it. Well, have you?

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